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Wed, 1 Jan 1997 21:26:05 -0800
David Doyle <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (103 lines)
Hello everypeoples, you don' know it yet but dis' is Rosie Brown and I'm a
clown and we went to Portland Oregon to see Sandy and Georgia and Gil and
Percy and Burnie, Amber, Big Bear, Mandy, and Bandit...
We almost died on the way back due to 70mph winds, rain, landslides, road
closures, rockslides, floods, snow, and cage fever...
But we is safe and sound now...and somehow when we got back from Organ (like
livers and pancreas's you nose) well....we got 2 more ferrets in the
house...they is panda bears and Ma and Da say dat dere names are Anthony and
Cleopatra like from the dark ages...well, they bite so hard 'cause they are
babies that Ma and Da's hands and arms bleed...
So, here is the lowdown on our uptown visit to the Streit Estate...Wiggles
made herself very comfortable when we first arrived...spooning Bear and
Bandit and Mandy under the bed...it started snowing 10 minutes later (never
seen snow...I'll be damned...like that Beavis guys says) and then crazy
Amber came outside with us on the enclosed porch out back and rubbed her
nose through the powder...she is crazy...well we Doyle girls got to see snow
for the first time...it is pretty cool!  Big Bear loves to go outside...he
is a very handsome and loveable man-type ferret...Wiggles loved to snuggle
with him...
We saw wild squirrels and jay's at Miss Sandy's feeder...and boy did those
ferrets of her's have some neat toys...tubes, sandbox, balls, sleep sacks
everywhere (Sandy makes them and they are incredibly cozy and she gave one
to Little Miss Wiggles all her own) and they had a neat little red wagon
that is perfect ferret size...look for it in your stores...we got one for
ourselves while we were there...tee hee hee...Gil also showed Ma and Da
where to get the plastic tubing so we got like 30 feet of it...boy oh boy we
is spoiled...
So, we got to meet Auntie Georgia's handsome boy named Burnie...he is
huuuuuggggeeee....like 3 and a half pounds and he talks a lot and is a wild
man!!!  We chased him around until the cows came home all wet from the
rain...Well, Ma and Da and Gil and Sandy went to see Mars Attacks and there
was a ferret at the end but they said don't blink or you'll miss him...
Anyways, Maxie met Amber for the first time ever and said "Hi, My name is
Maxie, and my Da says that I'm the most beautiful ferret girl in the whole
wide world..." Amber proceeded to grab her by the neck and shake with all of
her strength...Uncle Gil and Auntie Sandy grabbed Amber and put her in jail
and kinda shook their heads at the behavior of their daughter...saying that
she always does that stuff to Mandy and Bandit too!
Well, Shiva fell asleep in Auntie Georgia's arms...and Georgia fell in love
and said that she wanted Shiva to come and live with her, Percy, and Burnie,
and Shiva been saying ever since that she is like the million dollar ferret
or someting cause everyone wants to give us lots of money to have her...but
Ma and Da say no way Jose that she is never leavin' this household and that
it wouldn't be complete without her here...well, guess what...?
Ma and Da been makin' babies again or sometin' cause the stork came to Organ
and dropped off some of these little tings what scream like aliens when you
turn on the lights to the room...they call them sugar gliders but Maxie
licked them behind the ears and said "Naw, they don't taste like sugar!"
So, they is a boy and a girl...oh my gosh, more babies...sheeeesh...Ma and
Da plan to have the stork bring more sugar gliders in like a year or more
when the boy glider grows up...anyways, their names are Arthur and
Gwenevyre...like from the dark ages...
So, Ma and Da got out again from the house while all nine of us was
sssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepin....(one paw
slowly descending)...  and these two little ankle-biters come in the house
and I buried my paws in my face and cried...oh no...Massie says "Could it
really be true?"  NO MORE SIBLINGS!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, it was true...the Doyle Ferrets are now up to seven...oh my
gawsh...when will this madness end...I told Ma and Da that I'm the boss and
they still keep making ferrets and I sink dat I'll pack my crinkle sack soon
and hit the road...but maybe not cause I get lots of love and raisins and
toys and stuff here...
On a sad note...we found out last week that Miss Wiggles has that damn
disease called Insolimina (sp?), which means that she has like another year
to live because of these things growing on her insides...we is still crying
over this terrible news...cause we all love little Missy wit' all of our
wittle hearts...but she got her moles removed and she looks bewful and Bear
really seemed to think that she was a cutie...
Michelle and her ferrets sent Wiggles a get well card and Wiggles wept...
So, we is plannin' to make the rest of her time on this earth as wonderful
as we can by giving her lots of love and kisses whenever we can...
By the way, my Da was wondering if there is a sugar glider mailing list and
if not he wants to start one so e-mail him if you want to be put on it!
The ferret adventures mailing list is going great but we don't have very
many posts for this weekend's issue...and if you want to subscribe send mail
for that too...
Also, check out our webbed-feet page on the world wide spider-web at
http://home.aol.com/kingfsher to see details on our two ferret books...and
we got the covers scanned to both books in full color on the page...so it is
pretty dang cool... =)
That's about it...send me mail peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze...
Rosie Gonna Bite Your Tosies Doyle
[Posted in FML issue 1802]