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Mon, 2 Dec 1996 11:22:05 -0500
Maddie Fox <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
>From:    Ferris James <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Eating and drinking
>We are first time ferret owners and our boy is 19 weeks old.  I really need
>some advice about how much a ferret should eat in a day to stay healthy.
Laura my little fuzzy Geisha was 11 weeks when she just starting drpoing
weight and not eating.  the vet thought it was an intestinal blockage, but
after many tests we found out that she had a urinary track infection and a
bacterial infection on her kidneys.  after oroscopic surgery and lots of
antibiotics she had lost over a half of a pound.  when we got her home she
was still very fussy about what she ate, we had to try several different
foods ( she settled on Marshals) but she still wasnt gaing weight fast
enough.  What we used and I reccomend is Ferretvite it is a paste form
supplement that most ferrets love the taste.  You can feed up to two
teaspoons of this a day , and if the animal eats nothing else at all this
should theoreticly keep them going.  It worked great for me.  Hopefully it
will for you.  You can get Ferretvite almost anywhere that ferret products
are sold.
>From:    "DA Boom Boom Boomer! :)" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: MF tattoos
>I think I may have 2 MF ferrets (I'm not sure), but I do know that they have
>2 dots on their right ears.  Is this the MF tattoo?  They also came with a
>small information pamphlet and an ad for MF products.  One of my fuzzies has
>to tattoo at all.  Not that it matters, I just wanted to know.
I work in a pet store where we sell MF ferrets, but I was told that the two
dots are a symbol of certain breeders that the ferret was descented and
spayed/nuetered, this is not just a MF ferret.
>My little one has a blue spot on her ear.  I don't know if it just showed
>up there or if I just noticed it.  Any suggestions?
the blue spot is a tatto from the breeder, if you look close there should be
>2) One of our ferrets has been itchy & scratching a lot lately.  Any ideas?
>It isn't fleas.  Could it be her coat change?  If so, is there anything
>that can make her feel better?  >>
try Ferretone. its a skin and coat supplement that should help
-maddie fox
[Posted in FML issue 1772]