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Wed, 13 Nov 1996 11:12:28 -0500
Al Gearhart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (90 lines)
hello all...
Just a few observations from my corner:
>Subject: Mo' Bob on Ca Ca Issue
Yeah!  Right on!  What are we going to do folks?  I have some thoughts
brewing in the back of my head... Form letters to sent to CA politicos...via
email.  Boycott letters sent to the orgs and companies that support this
oppressive legislation...
If I could gather the email addresses of the intended it might be a simple
point and click set up.  If someone wants to help by doing the letters, I
will post on my site for others to print out and send off as well.  I know
LIFE did something like this concerning the rabies issue and Dr Jenkins
prior to the last meeting on rabies policy (snail mail, not the email idea).
I don't know the effect it had, but unless the voices of the oppressed are
raised to be heard, we can only expect the same treatment to continue.
Perhaps CDFA1 could help out in supplying the email addresses of the
politicos to target?  I think I can find snail mail addresses from past FA
Speaking of LIFE, I visited their site recently and found a very interesting
posting by Kathleen Cheeseman, who is the owner of Dancing Bottom Ferrets,
Woodbridge VA.  It is concerning the Vitamin A toxicity issue in Ferretone
and other supplements.  It would seem that some may be overreacting on the
issue if what Kathleen reports is right.  I would invite all to take a look
at what she has to say and make their own judgement and comment.
LIFE- http://www.acmeferret.com/life
Back to MoBob's postings yesterday for a moment.
I suspect that after reading his response to Jim Young, some blood pressure
medication may have been in order.  <G>
On another posting Bill Killian wrote concerning shelters:
>So this still boils down to the fact that we we have a distribution problem
>with ferrets not a overpopulation problem.
Fact!?!  So how do we solve this problem?  Part of the problem is that the
fml makes up a small part of the ferret owning poplulation.  How many of the
shelters on those listings are monitoring the fml?  Perhaps this is
something that could be added to the databases?  Maybe if the shelter
operator is not a computer user/owner, they could have some type of
ombudsman to act on their behalf to the fml to supply them with information?
I am sure this is happening somewhat already.  Even if a majority of the
shelters would come under some sort of umbrella organization for the
purposes of ferret transfers, the transportation issue looms as a large one.
Witness the Fredonia case sitting in OK waiting for transport to NM.  We do
need to think of something, because if we don't the situation isn't going to
get any better.  I am wondering if TLE has gotten much in the way of
response since her original idea was posted.
A note on a past topic: Bumper stickers.  Did anyone look into this?  I
remember someone saying they can't cost but pennies.  HA.  Maybe if you
order in the thousands, but who has the money to make as an initial
investment when ordering in that quantity.  Envelopes and postage of course
add into the equation.  I did some checking and forgot where I put the
figures.  Let me ask you this...Is this one going to sell:
support ferret rescue
The www address could be a database listing of all shelters.  (isn't the
STAR listing available for viewing purpose at Ferret Central?) (is Pam
agreeable to this?) If I remember it would be about $2.50 for one bumper
sticker.  Discount for quantity.  Portion of proceeds would go to shelter
I guess I have rambled enough.  So many times I read and think, what about
??? but don't post.  Well this time I did and if it seems a bit uneven, oh
well.  We are doing this for the little ones and I don't think they mind.  I
have to agree with CB Goins posting yesterday, "Remember, no one stands so
tall as the person who stoops to help the helpless."
Al Gearhart
Daisy, Luke, Bo, & Beauty
see us at http://users.aol.com/AlGearhart/     last update 11/7/96
One last thing.....  Am going to place that last order for clear tubes this
week and then no more.  If you are interested, visit the web site and/or
email me for further info.  If you visit the site and the pictures are gone,
that is the sign it's over with.  It looks to be a two lot final order at
this time.  Hope those that ordered from the first two lots are enjoying the
fun as much as the ferts !
I'm outta here... Al
[Posted in FML issue 1753]