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Mon, 11 Nov 1996 08:33:58 +0500
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Here's an unbelieveable BUT TRUE event showing how smart ferrets are!
My 1 yr-old "Nosmo" has a bad habit of trying to open a closet door that is
in my living room.  The door doesn't quite shut all the way because of the
vacumn cleaner and I have to latch hook it to keep it closed.  Nosmo always
makes a point of going over to this closet and digging at the carpet (barely
a year old!) and trying to get in.  Needless to say, it's slowly wearing my
carpet and patience!  I have tried Bitter Apple, nose thumping, scruffing,
you name it!  He keeps trying.
Last Friday night, while out for their nightly wrassle,Nosmo mosied on over
to the closet, thinking no one saw him.  Exasperated, I looked down at
Beanie, my 5 yr old, and said kiddingly, "Go over there and get Nosmo away
from the door!" He looked up at me, then at Nosmo, back to me as if to say
"Okay mom!" trotted over and promptly tackled him.  Nosmo cried "Uncle!" and
walked away.  To my amazement(and more exasperation!), Beanie spun around
and promptly pooped right at the crack of the door!  I could swear he was
smiling as he came over to me.  Nosmo hurried back to try again, but when he
came to the booby-trap he really reversed gears "Ooo Yuk!" I couldn't
believe what I had just witnessed.  It was hysterical!  I still can't
believe Beanie actually listend to me - my 4yr old doesn't listen that good!
This was a true story - No names were changed - Hope it brought a chuckle to
your day!
Diane, Beanie and Nosmo
[Posted in FML issue 1751]