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Mon, 28 Oct 1996 19:52:05 -0500
Manfred Fischer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Hello all FMLers,
Is it just me or has the number of requests for financial help from members
of this list increased dramatically over the past few months?
Speaking only for myself, I am deeply offended that people decide to become
*rescues* or *shelters* for our beloved ferts, run into problems with the
numbers of ferrets or health problems and then feel that I, or other members
of the list can be solicited for financial help.  I get enough requests
through snail mail, without recieving these requests through e-mail.
Especially when the requester does not even have the decency to post his or
her own name as happened on yesterdays mailing.
Manfred Fischer
[Moderator's note:  Yes, there are many requests lately.  Certainly, if
ferrets are really in need, some people may find they wish to help - the
whole point of the FML, after all, is to help ferrets.  And from what I've
heard, some shelters have been helped and are very appreciative.
Now, as some have pointed out, this can get out of hand.  If every other
post reads "Send Money" the requests get lost and any aid is just diluted.
Occasional "need help" posts are fine and within the purpose of the list.  I
encourage people posting to reserve such requests for emergencies and to
explain the situation as fully as possible.  And I encourage the good people
responding to ask questions if they feel uncomfortable.  And, finally,
please remember that there are other ways to help besides money.  Supplies,
services, and perhaps most of all, your time, are also usually welcome.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1736]