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Wed, 2 Oct 1996 19:33:47 -0400
Norma-ann Mooney <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
Hello everyone.
I just had Leo and Emmy (dawg) into the Vet's for their annual shots today.
This is the first time i've been to this Vet.  (i need a new Vet.  up here
in Aurora where I am going to school).  Anyway, while taking a look at Leo
she said, "He's got mites".  Now, i haven't noticed Leo scratching a lot,
and his ear wax is a normal brown colour...not to say she was lying...she
just seemed to come to that conclusion very quickly (she didn't take a swab
or look under a microscope).  Then she said that the only way to "cure" him
is to put him out and clean his ears that way and then treat them...she said
this was because you can't clean a ferrets ears well enough without putting
them under an anesthetic first.  She also mentioned that we would probably
have to do this for all our ferrets (5) since they probably caught it off
one another.
Here's the incredible part... this will cost me close to $500!!!!!
Please, Resident Net Vets, tell me this isn't really necessary!!!  Can't i
just use some Epi-Otic???!!
Not that they aren't worth the money (i always feel the need to make that
clear), but i am not a rich woman!!!  :-0
If anyone with ANY info.  can write to me ASAP i would *REALLY* appreciate
it!  We have another appointment on Saturday to bring the whole gang in,
unless i (PLEASE) hear differently as to what i can do about this.
Thanks very much.
President of The Southern Ontario Ferret Association
and Mom to Molly, Leo and Maggie...
Step-Mom to Oedie and Beckett
P.S.  Don't let your Vet's talk you into giving both the Rabies and
Distemper shots at once.  Despite all i've read, i let them give both shots
to Leo today (stupid, stupid, stupid) and he, sure enough, had a reaction...
which was very, very, scarey to us both!  He had to have a shot of, i guess
it was, Adrenaline and go into an oxygen tent.  Every Vet. i've been to
always says, "Hmmm.  I've never heard of that, and i've never seen a ferret
have a reaction".  Well, now i have.
[Posted in FML issue 1711]