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Thu, 12 Sep 1996 22:08:36 -0500
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Meltdown had a major appointment tonight and she STILL is not showing any
ventricular bigemini episodes (even this time for several monitorings of
about 3 minutes each -- some after purposely getting her upset).  The
combination of Enacard and Dig.  is just wonderful.  When she does go it
will probably be sudden, but at least that way she won't suffer like Ruffle
did.  She still has no ascites, either, so she might well rule over us for a
long while more despite her cardiomyopathy.
There was a little girl whose cat was being put down at the vet.  Her mom
was cold and not upset, but the child was in tears so Meltie just had to
meet her and comfort her.  She tried to nuzzle her tears away.  Then to make
her smile she showed off how she likes me to kiss her belly, and that when I
say "More-more belly" she hyperextends her back to offer up as much as
possible.  That actually did make the little one smile through her tears.
Sweet child.  Sweet Meltdown.  (She's an old hand at comforting children;
she and Spot used to help some neighboring children during the time their
Mother had cancer and after her death.  They are such kind creatures, aren't
On October 4th Meltdown will turn 8 years old.  If anyone wants to sing a
round of the Happy Birthday Song for her we'll be listening for the breeze
to waft it in.
BTW, today was the first time since March that anyone commented that I
seemed "rested".  Of course, it IS the first time since March that I HAVE
been rested; maybe by the end of next month I'll actually be caught-up,
too.  Apologies are extended for all the times when I wrote even though I
could barely see straight; you folks are gems given the way most of you put
up with others while they are disjointed, sleep deprived, ill, upset, etc.
Bill, HOW do YOU manage to make sense on so little sleep?
Oh, gads; it's after 10 and I haven't put the clean sheets on the bed, yet...
[Moderator's note: Hah - funny you should ask - a couple of days ago I
deleted someone's post in my semi-sleep!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1691]