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Mon, 2 Sep 1996 20:55:42 -0400
Maureen Sullivan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Hi all,
I'm using the Labor day weekend to get caught up on the FML.  I'm a teacher
back in school with a husband out of town and seven ferrets to tend to. ikvg
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  gyyyH     qqb
(I came back to find the last line on the computer.  Ruby strikes again.)
The reason I'm posting is I just read about the MF ferrets with the three
dots .  I found an extra dot on Ruby (she's almost 7 months).  I wondered
what it was for and felt disturbed thinking someone may have put it there
just for the fun of it.  It's between her toes.  Ruby is an albino female.
My husband chose her, he said, because she was beating the poop out of all
her other litter mates.  She's not aggressive or a biter, just playful.
She's got a great personality and gets into everything.  She gets her way
around here because if she doesn't, she makes it unpleasant by trashing her
cage.  (throwing all the food around!)
She's finally slowing down but she still doesn't sleep as much as the
others.  She appears quite healthy.  She's plump and her coat feels great.
She's on ProPlan and refuses treats.  Her head (snout) is not as long as my
other females but neither is it blunt.  She's open and accepting of all the
other ferrets (even if the other girls aren't accepting of her!) She's the
one I have to make sure is caged and not free roaming when I leave in the
Got to go rescue the new albino from Ruby.  I've seen Ruby play wrestle for
20 minutes.  She wears all the boys out!
        Love and Dooks to all.
                    Maureen and the Magnificent Seven
If this is new blood, it's an improvement as far as our Ruby is concerned.
[Posted in FML issue 1680]