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Tue, 27 Aug 1996 13:48:09 -0500
Charlene Lowe <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
To David C. re: hot pepper spray,
Here in Minnesota they used to sell a hot pepper spray at convenience stores
and what not as a personal protection device to ward off muggers and such.
Also, police officers in our state used to use some type of pepper spray to
incapacitate criminals.  Anyways, a few (I think 4 if I am remembering
correctly) people died after exposure to the spray and several people took
quite ill needing hospitalization.  At least one died hours later in a
holding cell and his death was attributed to the pepper spray.  It somehow
interfered with his heart functioning properly.  So, the sale of the pepper
spray has been banned here over the counter and also cops no longer use it
as a deterrent because of the side effects attributed to it.  Perhaps the
problem was an allergic reaction by the individuals involved or perhaps it
was the quantity or concentration of the spray that was really in excess of
anything you might use with your ferret or perhaps it was a certain type of
pepper that is problematic.  But, me, I would not use the hot pepper spray.
Firstly, because I've heard it can be fatal and two because I just cannot
see bumming my ferret out like that.  I myself cannot handle spicy food at
all (yes, I am a Minnesotan and lefsa is more my style) and hot peppers make
me sick to my stomach and bring tears to my eyes as I swig milk or yoghurt
to try and rid my mouth and throat of the pain.  Then, I have to deal with
the lingering heartburn too.  I don't want my ferret to have to deal with
this.  I have heard of people sprinkling hot pepper in corners where ferrets
poop too and I just cannot even think of it.  My ferrets rub their butts on
the ground after pooping and to think hot pepper could get on that delicate
butt tissue just makes me cringe.  OUCH!  As a side bar not specifically to
you David but just in general of all the biting cases I have come across the
very best deterrant is to pull your appendage away and say "ouch - don't
bite so hard" when the offending creature offends.  Really - that's what we
do in our house.  We don't snap noses, we don't have time-outs... We just
say "ouch - that hurt, stop it".  Usually they look up and start licking
where they bit you in an effort to apologize... (Okay, there are probably
more viscious beasts than ours out there, but at least try this method).  I
believe they understand our language.  I really do.  Oh, and Henry says to
tell you he would like to live with you, David, because mexican salsa is his
favorite treat next to rasberry popsicles.  Charlene
[Posted in FML issue 1674]