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Fri, 16 Aug 1996 23:42:21 -0400
Elizabeth Plummer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
My eldest fuzzy, K'Ehleyr (5 and 1/2 yrs.), has been diagnosed with
lymphoma.  With the help of liquid Pred. and Timmy's special diet, we have
halted the growth of the tumors, but haven't been taking their size down.
She is *much* improved in the areas of activity and perkiness, though, even
if she still won't play.  My vet has given me the option of 1) leaving her
on the Pred "until she gets worse" (0.8ml every other day now) or 2)
starting her on Vincristine (sp.?) shots, which requires that she be sedated
every time.  I hesitate putting her under anesthesia at all, much less once
a week.  Not to mention the cost.  She seems relatively happy now with all
af the attention and because she's feeling better than she did two months
ago, and boy!  does she *love* that food!  In short, what would you do?
She has gained a lot of weight which is most likely due to the medication,
inactivity, her illness, and the fact that she does like the food so much.
She's also very itchy, esp.  between her shoulder blades, and has little
white pinhead sized spots around her anus.  My vet suggested that we might
try a special shampoo to help her exfoliate, because it seems like she's
just not shedding skin cells properly.  I'd just like to know if it sounds
like that's all it is, or if it's a symptom or side-effect that I don't know
about.  Or if it's just me being paranoid.
Thank you in advance!
K'Ehleyr (scratch my back, Mom.  Please?) &
Vixis (that teddy bear hasn't won a fight yet, Mom!  Aren't I great?)
[Posted in FML issue 1663]