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Mon, 29 Jul 1996 10:50:15 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Hi everyone,
I'm hoping someone can ease my mind... my little fuzzy-girl Jasmine is the
closest living thing to my heart (scary how attached I've become to this
sweet ferret in such a short amount of time!  :) and I admit I am probably
over-worrying, but here is what's happening:
Jasmine is 18 weeks old -- has all her shots, and the last check-up at the
vet in late June proclaimed her very healthy.  However, I have been trying
to get rid of a *&$^#&! flea problem for almost 2 months now, as most of you
are probably aware.  (I have tried every recommendation I heard from people
on the FML, plus others I've read about, but still can't get rid of 'em).
Jasmine's usual pattern was to play, dook, dance like crazy when I am home
and she's out of her cage... and on weekends, she could sometimes "last" for
up to 3 hours of doing this kind of active, excited play.  Even during heat
waves earlier this summer, she'd attempt to play that hard but slow down a
bit only when she got too hot.
Over the last week or so, she has started to sleep more than play, and this
past weekend, her play times lasted no more an hour, max, before she would
crawl back into her cage or under my bed for a nap.
Worried that she might be developing anemia from the fleas, I checked her
gums... they definitely appear lighter in color to me than a month ago when
the vet checked.
Should I rush her to the vet ASAP?  Does this sound like a case of anemia?
She is eating and pooping normally - & I feed her Totally Ferret, which she
loves.  Or, as my boyfriend says (he is calling me paranoid!)- she is just
getting older and is not as energetic as she was when she was a baby kit!
He also thinks it could be a case of boredom, or general lethargy due to the
summer heat and that I should not be worrying.
What should I do?  Any advice from vets/others ASAP would be appreciated
(and if I'm being a big worry-wart feel free to tell me)!  Please respond to
[log in to unmask] if you can help.  Thanks, and hugs to your fuzzies!
Jennifer & Jasmine
[Posted in FML issue 1646]