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Sat, 13 Jul 1996 17:08:32 -0600
Wade Zimmerman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hi, I just thought that I would post the little adventure that my female,
Pandora, went on the other night.  She used some of her great skills to
sneak out the door behind my SO into the alley.  Well, we did not realize
this for 3-4 hrs until it was bedtime.  When she would not come to her
squeaky toy I knew that something was not right.  So I searched and searched
and then for some reason went to the house at the end of the alley.  I
decided that I had better let all my neighbors know so that Pandora could be
found.  Low and behold, when it had started raining outside she got into
this house, through the front door.  The girl that lived there said, "I was
just watching TV and here comes this ferret running across the livingroom
and then into the bedroom and under my bed!"
Pandora knew where to go.  So they took her to a friends house who had
ferrets and brought Pandora home the next day.  I was certainly amazed that
she just went right into the house but she is no dummy.
I am glad she is home, I was having a crisis there for a little while.
Love to all the Fuzzies!
Wade, Pandora, & Little Guy
[Posted in FML issue 1631]