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Tue, 2 Jul 1996 06:01:22 EDT
Dayna Frazier <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (82 lines)
In this instance change that to:  And a little ferret shall lead them...
A young man that was referred to me, due to his total rejection of all of
his support personel, was scheduled for a physical therapy session where I
planned to observe him..  then begin what would be either an ongoing
dialogue or an abruptly abbreviated meeting.
Since it was very close in miles and at an hour when there was little
traffic, either pedestrian or vehicular, I tucked Foggy into his carry sack
and took him with me.  He does so love brief outings occassionally.  And in
his carry sack no one can see him much less realize his handicaps.
Upon arrival at the indoor therapy pool (swimming size) I could hear my
problem patient long before he came into visual range.  There was no
mistaking that this was a prime example of what I had been told the staff
has been up against from the word go with this person.  Entering the pool
area proper I quietly sat down on the front row of seats at the edge of the
The patient was seated on the edge of the pool itself but it was obvious the
physical therapist was having no success at persuading the patient to enter
the water, much less perform the swim therapy he required.  The gist of the
tirade, profanity deleted, was: 'Leave me alone... I've got one useable arm,
with hand attached, left and my life is over..  so... drop dead and leave me
alone!' The therapist finally gave up, and shrugged at me with a small shake
of his head, 'no', and picked up his work bag and left.
I had been so intently watching their exchange I forgot all about little
Foggy at my feet in his carry sack.  Since the most you ever glimpsed of
Foggy when in his sack, was a nose and two bright intelligent little eyes
peeking out, I didn't give it a thought.  Now the closest Foggy has ever
been to water is a puddle 1/2 an inch deep on the deck outside..  and after
one nudge with his nose and a huge sneeze, he hasn't shown the slightest
Of course, now would be the time for him to change his mind on the subject.
The edge of the pool was barely 2 1/2 feet from my seat and with the
commotion of a game at the far end covering any subtle sound, it was only
the flicker of motion out of the corner of my vision that told me Foggy had
changed the rules on me.  The deck was just rough enough to give that little
rascal tummy traction..  and like a shot he was sliding over the edge into
the deep water.  Inwardly screaming 'You Idiot' at myself and outwardly
yelling 'Foggy ..  NO!' I made a frantic grab at him.  I was to late!  He
was Gone!  flopping desperately on the edge of the pool I looked everywhere
for him... but there was no funny little furry face looking back.  Just as I
decided to dive for him... a voice commented in an amazed tone... 'Wow, Look
at the little guy go.'
Sure enough, my pawless wonder was having the time of his little life, doing
a creditable imitation of a hyper active eel, tearing around the surface of
the deep end of that pool!
And all of you know that a ferret will come to you, when and only when, he
is darn good and ready!  However, his strength isn't very great as yet and
he soon began to tire.  Did he come to me... his loving and devoted care
giver?  Not a chance.  He slithered right up to that young man and looked up
obviously asking to be helped out.  The guy flopped a towel over the pool
edge so he could grab it and crawl up and out..  saying..'Come on little
fella, now you can get out.' But Foggy just kept looking at the guy.
I quietly told him he would have to help the little fur kid out as he
couldn't use the towel ramp.  He reached down and scooped Foggy up in his
palm saying 'Oh, for pete's sake, OK, lazybones, I'll give you a lift.' I
had a towel all ready to take the soggy little trickster when the arm
holding Foggy froze.  I have no idea what passed between those two in that
seconds long look..  but it was an hour later when I got Foggy back from a
still weeping young man who had cuddled and hugged and petted him while
pouring out all the hurt and fear and despair he had been holding inside so
Foggy returned home a very tired little boy, and I suspect the treatment
team for that guy will find a much changed patient in their care.
What came over Foggy?..  I have no idea!  And he hasn't even glanced at
water since.
 dayna frazier   102046,3162
'resident of the 'Marvellous Menagerie of Mirthful Mayhem'
[Posted in FML issue 1620]