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Print Reply
Sat, 29 Jun 1996 21:56:00 EDT
Ela Heyn <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
I just want to thank everyone who has emailed me their wonderful suggestions
for stopping Scooter's food digging (or at least learning to live with it).
I've been slowly trying out all of the ideas, and, unfortunately, the
"learning to live with it" thing is looking like the most promising
alternative right now.
I moved the feeders up high, but Scooter went through great efforts to dig
the food out of them, anyway.  If he could get his face into it, it was low
enough to get his paws into it.  I put a platter under his food, but it was
apparently not heavy enough, because he played with it and removed it it.
I'm trying Corrine's Tupperware idea with a Rubbermaid Sandwich Keeper
tonight, and will also try out Sheena's idea with the baggies zap strapped
under the food this weekend.  If any of these ideas work for Scooter, I'll
be certain to let everyone know!
Finally, one more question, please.  Could the person who posted the
address/phone for the company which sells hackie sacks in bulk please repost
the info.  (or email it to me privately).  I called the company ad ordered a
catalog, and promptly discarded the phone number and address.  The catalog
never arrived, so I'd like to try again ...
Thank you!
- Ela, Paddington and Scooter (FLO Food Digging Expert, available for
consultations in food digging to other FLO operatives ...)
[Posted in FML issue 1617]