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Mon, 24 Jun 1996 12:04:30 -0400
"Mrs. Duck" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
Sorry that this post is kind of long- I haven't read the FML for several
days, and am just catching up now.
Just to respond to the earlier post- we have no intention of placing a photo
of Grant Kozak up on the Internet, rather we were planning on discretely
circulating it to the shelters in the area as well as some freindly pet
stores.  Of course we can not prevent Mr. Kozak from purchasing a ferret on
the open market, however, we can certainly prevent him from EVER having
contact with a shelter ferret again.
As far as the baby ferrets/ferret weddings, I personally don't enjoy them,
however, this is an open forum.  What I would like to sugest is that the
author possibly shorten them some.  If they weren't as long, I might even
take the time to read them.  But I do what should be done with any tyoe of
list like this, I read what interests me, skip over what doesn't.
Re: Plastic bags- I have always been nervous about fuzzies and these things.
I allow them to play with them supervised, but switch to a paper bag when I
can't watch.  A thin paper bag makes a simalar crinkly sound as a plastic
bag, and even if the ferret gets trapped- which I feel would be more
difficult due to the physics of the whole thing- there will still be some
air exchange.  If you have more than one fuzzy, watch what happens when you
give them a big brown grocery bag.  They'll play "pounce on the weasel in
the bag" until they collapse from exhaustion!
Thank you to all who have e-mailed about FEEL.  We have lots of printed
materials, including shed studies, and would lke this to become an
International Group.  We already have Canadian members.  I am appointing
people to serve as President of their areas for the first year, after that
we will have elections.  I have a Pres and VP for Eastern Canada.  At this
time they are acting for all of CAnada until we recruit people in the
Western Provinces.  We have NJ covered, and if no one steps forward I have
several people in mind for Eastern PA.  The larger states will probably
require being divided up, with lots of contact between divisions.  If you
are in CA and would like info, we would be more than happy to keep your name
RE:  Ferret CPR- My Mambo has had Ferret CPR.  He went into anapolactic
(sp?) shock and then stopped breathing following FervacD- 3rd time for him-
and this time it was bad.  Rather than compressions, the vet gave him a
short puff, and then rubbed him all over his body, like a mama does when the
baby is born.  It worked, and thank God I have my wonder slug here with me
Last but not least- My "Baby"- OK so at 5 1/4 lbs I guess he's not much of a
baby- L.O.S.  Gabriel won Best Blaze and First Place Adult Class Ring 1
(Championship) in the LOSNJ show last Saturday.  He also won the longest
whiskers contest- 3 3/4"!!  I am patting myself on the back here- will stop
-Mrs. Duck
[Posted in FML issue 1612]