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Thu, 20 Jun 1996 21:44:37 -0700
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Hi everyone.
I posted about my ferrets coming down with ECE a couple months ago after
succumbing to ferret math(+3) at the NJ Pet Expo.  Just wanted to let
everyone know, they have made a complete recovery with lots of induced
feedings of duck soup and Pedialyte.  I am concerned, though, about the
different shedding periods I've encountered, which range from a few months
to over a year.  How frequently, if at all(in some ferrets), do relapses
occur?  I did not realize that this could happen and so far it hasn't.  I
was planning on taking a couple of my new additions(the suspected carriers)
to a ferret show in October, which is 6 months from onset, but now I'm not
so sure that this would be a good idea.  Maybe I should wait until next
spring(Bummer!)as I really do not wish this virus on anyone's fuzzies.
Also, is it true that once exposed, they will be immune to any further
exposures?  I realize that we don't have a full picture on this virus yet,
so I wonder about the possibility of mutations causing reinfection.
On another note: Angel(named after Debbie Riccio's beloved ferret) is still
incontinent despite two weeks of Amoxi, two weeks of acidophylus for
possible yeast infection, exploratory surgery, and 10 days of Tetracycline.
The urine culture showed it was an unusual, and highly resistant strain of
Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria which is susceptible only to Tetracycline.
Maybe so....but it hasn't done a thing for her yet!  She is still dribbling
urine like there was no tomorrow.  My vet is contacting Dr. Williams for any
input he might have.  I have just about resigned myself to the fact that I
may have to live with this forever....so has anybody got an idea for a
ferret diaper?<G>
BRANDY: Ferret CPR!  Funny you should mention that!  Just last week my
little Molly(7 mos old sable sprite) started choking, not long after I put
her back in her cage for the night.  She was heaving violently, to no avail,
running up and down the ramps and scratching like a madwoman in her hanging
playhouse.  She was absolutely in a panic and when I finally got a hold of
her and pried her mouth open... her gums, her tongue and other oral soft
tissues were turning dark purple.  I freaked out!  I also am certified in
CPR, so without knowing how else I could help her, I delivered a
mini-Heimlich maneuver, which had no effect.  I could not see the object she
was choking on, so a finger sweep was out of the question!  The only other
thing I could do was to try to get her some more oxygen, so I gave her a
couple of teeny-tiny puffs into her nose...I'm not really sure if it helped
with her airway being blocked and all...but I HAD to do SOMETHING.  Finally,
I put her down and phoned an emergency clinic, who put me on hold (despite
my frantic plea for a choking ferret!), then came back on and told
me.."Sorry we don't see ferrets, here is the number of someone who does!
(Argh!  Why does this stuff always happen after hours!) No sooner did I page
this vet...then Molly finally vomitted up the offending piece of kibble.  I
sent Dr. Dutton a note and asked him about ferret CPR, but I have not gotten
a reply yet.  I'll let ya know what he says!  These little guys sure have a
way of scaring the begeesus out of you, don't they?  <G>
On the subject of "toenail-induced" accidents: I also had an experience
where the same little Molly got her toenail caught in the fleece lining of
her sleep sack one morning and dragged it halfway down the ramp to the
second floor.  She was trapped and I thank God that I was home to free her.
I had put off the nail clipping for about a week....never again!  I learned
a VERY valuable lesson about ferret-proofing ferrets(themselves)!  KEEP
BIG, I hope this wasn't too long! I'm sure I'll hear from you if it is! <G>
Dodie and the Frenzied Five
Gidget: Champion Squeekie Responder.  "More Ferretone, please!...and some
        raisins on the side!"
Molly: Expert trashcan spulunker(sp?) and climbing maniac!  "Come on,Mom,
       what else ya got that you don't think I could possibly climb!"
Angel: Nickname "Puddles" for previously given reasons!<G>"Mom, would ya cut
       it out!  Everytime I'm having fun, you gotta wipe my butt off!  It's
Teddy: Amazing sock snatcher and excellent tug o' war opponent.  "It's my
       sock!  Really Mom!  See.....it fits(my whole body)!"
Fozzie: Stuffed animal tamer extraordinaire! "I'll show you who's boss,
        Frankie Ferret.  Take that and that!*Bite, bite*..  Drag and......
        Stash!  And you too, Mr. Bunny, don't you be eyeballin' me, mister!"
[Posted in FML issue 1608]