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Tue, 11 Jun 1996 21:03:19 -0400
Tuyet Atkinson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
Hi there,
Anne was asking about dogs and ferrets.  Being both a ferret and a dog
person, I've found that they can get along quite well.  I am a true believer
that a dog's personality is more important than the breed, when it comes to
getting along with other animals.  I have one of those so called "vicious"
breeds, a Staffordshire bull terrier, who has no problems with my ferrets.
I also have a shephard collie mix, who loves to play with the girls, letting
them climb all over her.  However, being dogs, they are prone to forgetting
house rules, such as, "no chasing the ferrets", so I never, ever leave them
alone together.  I believe Anne mentioned allergies.  I would suggest a
poodle mix, or very short haired dog.  If you don't mind not getting a
puppy, get a young adult.  Oh, and because I volunteer at the Humane
Society, I must add that shelter dogs are great, and that some come with
histories, such as whether or not they get along with other animals.  Well,
I hope this info is encouraging.
-Tuyet and the Gang
[Posted in FML issue 1599]