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"Jones, Mike" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Sep 1996 08:21:00 PDT
text/plain (29 lines)
I have been reading the FML for about two years now and would like to
express my appreciation for the wealth of information I have gotten from it.
Information from the FML has helped me to educate my vet a bit and helped me
to care for my critters even better.
I have two ferrets; Marta-4year old MF sprite, and Shokie- 3?  year old MF
sprite.  I bought Marta from a pet store when she was 8 wks old and got
Shokie from the pound when she was abt.  ten months old as a rescue.  I love
them both very much and would not have any other four-legged friend.  Marta
is Welsh for " great haste" which is her normal mode- her other mode is off
(of course!).  Shokie is Swiss for chocolate, which is her color.  I take
Marta skiing with me when I patrol at a local ski area and I get some of the
strangest looks when I ski by with a ferret on my shoulder ( yes, she has a
harness and a bailout cord in case she jumps or slips), she is a wonderful
ambassador of ferretkind.  Most of the people who ski the mountain know her,
and I am just the ferret man.  Most of the time she rides in my jacket and
just peeks out to see what the weather is like.
I would like to thank BIG for his extraordinary work in moderating the FML,
and thanks to everyone who contributes.
Michael S. Jones                        I THAT WHICH
Cable Expediter/ Team Leader            I  DOES  NOT
NCR                                     I  KILL US,
702-861-1325                            I  STRENGTHENS US.
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[Posted in FML issue 1683]