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Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Jul 1996 11:19:58 -0500
text/plain (51 lines)
If anyone here has not recently thought about how kind most of the folks
here are, now is the time to do so.
First off, we all love ferrets enough to be here.
Secondly, many of the people run shelters, or change legislation, or
organize charitable giving, or heal, or pass on important information, or
put up with all the garbage involved with being a moderator, or give to
animal aid and health charities, or otherwise help in very special ways.
A LOT of people have helped us recently and have shown us great sweetness
during some misunderstandings, our ferrets' illnesses, and all the family
problems we have been tackling.
Some people went WAY out of their way, like Dick Bossart who actually
checked to see if he knew anyone looking for a N.H.  vacation home to help
our aunt and uncle after his heart problems.
Special thanks also the wonderful anonymous people who got in there and
cleared up a misunderstanding which had led to rumors (something which just
plain does happen when a population is too big for people to know each
others' particulars but is small enough to know names or faces -- it is
always best to ignore rumors and let them fade away as they will, or they
will change and grow).
Bill Gruber has patience beyond any I have ever been known for; he must also
be a MUCH faster reader than I'll ever be!
When I when I felt guilty about not having the time to get to writing about
the lessons we have received on heart disease for Pam Grant she sent the
loveliest note about how I could get to it when I was able.
There are others who have written us regularly with funny tales to cheer us
up and regular inquiries about Ruffle.  Folks like Michael (Paw-Paw), Jim
(Otter), Dodie (even though her own Angel is so sick right now), Judi, Eli,
Roxanne, Stephanie, Pat ... The list could go on a very long time.  YOU KNOW
WHO YOU ARE and that I consider you special and am so grateful to know you.
One kind gent (who seemed to want to be anonymous) offered to help us with
medical costs; fortunately we are not in such need though it is true that
the costs can mount up.
There are so many other kindnesses that we have been shown from FML members.
If I wrote them all I would go beyond the line limit; perhaps I already
Many, many thanks to you,
Sukie, Steve, Meltdown, Ruffle, 'Chopper, Spot, Meeteetse, and Warp
[Posted in FML issue 1647]