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Sat, 7 Dec 1996 19:29:42 -0700
Louie Tafoya <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (74 lines)
I think I need to do some explaining here.  First of all, I GIVE AWAY more
then half the ferrets that I have raised over the years.  I went to work
full-time so I can support my hobbies.  Being in the rabbit show circuit, I
know breeders all over the USA, Canada, Alaska, and Europe.  Many times have
I received a call to see if I had a ferret available to go where ever.  The
average age of my ferrets are on the younger side under 5 yrs old.  The two
I lost was Snowball age 9 1/2, and Misschief 8 yrs old.  Snowball was our
2nd ferret.  She produced 4 litters in her life, then I had her fixed.  She
died from old age, found her dead one morning in her condo.  No signs of
anything unusual.  She had lost some weight, couldn't see very well since
she was almost 7, but boy did she always respond to my voice.  Misschief
also was found dead in his condo during the spring.  Again no unusual signs
of any kind.  I'm no vet, but I do know when they are sick and when not.
Most of mine have their own condo.  36" tall by 26"X26", two levels.  Each
cage has a 3" PVC pipe for them to play in.  Each condo has a "what I call a
house" a 5 gallon square plastic container with plenty of bedding in it.
This summer I took in three ferrets from a friend in Utah.  She could not
find homes for them, so she sent them to me.  I had a friend who was looking
for a male for breeding purposes, she got him, (free).  The two females
won't go anywhere until they are totally tamed...never were handled enough
as babies.  If I can find a home for them down the road...great...if not,
they will live here.
Why is it so unusual that my ferrets have been healthy?  I never had any
problems of any kind with any adult.  I treat my animals with the same
respect as I would my children.  Fresh food, proper shelter, a hug and kiss
here and there, and lots of TLC.  Keeping cages clean, just the usual stuff.
I did have a flea problem this summer, but nothing that 7 Dust couldn't
cure.  Have used that on chickens and cats for years.  I use lots of common
sense.  This year I also had two litters where the babies were stuck
together by the afterbirth.  I seperated each litter myself and lost 2 kits
out of 9.  Again I did not consult my vet, just knew what to do.  I have
pulled babies on rabbits and goats.  Have treated wryneck with just PenV and
succeeded, where high $ medication failed.
I just recently talked to two friends, who I got started in ferrets about 10
yrs ago.  Neither one has lost a ferret from any illness.  Cathy right now
has one that is 10 yrs old, and her name is Mini...yes named after me.  Mini
is showing her age, but is healthy and still active for her age.  Cathy has
lots of knowledge when it comes to animals.  There isn't anything she hasn't
raised in her alomost 60 years.  She has a wealth of information and
willingly shares it with anyone who asks.  Many of us call her Granny.
Katie also has I believe 2 ferrets at this time, and both are up in years.
I would guess 6-8 yrs old.  Again no medical problems of any kind.  As you
can see there are others out there with the same blessings.  I feel for many
of you that have ferrets with medical problems.
To show you how far I will go...The last litter I had for sale was 4 kits.
I sold them at 9 weeks.  They had their first fervac shots.  3 people bought
them, one guy Jerry bought 2.  I told each one to bring them back for the
rest of their shots.  I give them myself, at my own expense.  Each person
that I sell a ferret to or give a ferret to always is assured that they can
call me anytime if they have any questions.  I even made up a ferret care
sheet several yrs ago, so people have an outline what to do and what not.  I
do not sell to just anyone, I do screen to make sure they know what they are
getting into.
I went back through some records and figured out exactly how long ago I
started with Ferrets...it has been 12 yrs, 8 months.  In April of 1986 I
bought a pregnant jill, with the condition the previous owner got the kits,
(she lived in an apt, and could no longer keep her).
I guess maybe if I would have more that are older I may run into problems,
who knows?  In the mean time, I will just enjoy my ferrets and take care of
them the best I can.  I'm hooked on April, she is the sweetest Ferret that
ever lived, with so much personality it's unreal.  Even if it cost me every
pair of sandles that I have owned this year...LOL...she loves sandles for
some reason and has managed to ruin three pairs.
On the name issue, I have one named TURBO, yeah the name says it all...
Mini Tafoya
[Posted in FML issue 1777]