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Tue, 22 Oct 1996 01:20:08 -0700
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This seems like a really odd question since it's such a popular ferret
treat, but I am wondering if anybody has had a fear-it with trouble passing
a large piece of red licorice it had eaten.
We are always careful to give tiny pieces of the stuff so that we can give
it more often, but about a month ago I recall a guest asking permission to
give some licorice to the babies.  I have no idea what size piece was given
(I will ask him) but I suspect it could have been relatively large.
Around this time, one of the frrts developed a rectal prolapse and trouble
pooping and the pooping of tiny amounts. This went on for a few weeks (vet
didn't suspect a blockage) and then she had severe diarrhea and lost
weight. Suddenly the diarrhea went away and she ate herself quickly back to
normal weight and now has no problem passing normal poops.
The thing is, we noticed a redish clay-like mess (not blood) in her litter
box at the time of the diarrhea, but since I was dosing her with Pepto
Bismol at the time, we decided it must have something to do with that since
the colour was similar.
We were brainstorming tonight and my SO commented that the mess had been
like gum.  I agreed but I couldn't see where she could possibly have gotten
ahold of any pink gum.  Then I remembered the licorice and I know licorice
is mostly flour and flour makes pretty good paper mache glue.
Well, I may be totally on the wrong track here, but maybe somebody else can
confirm my theory. Could a large chunk of licorice pass undigested through
the stomach and get stuck somewhere further along?
Stinky: "I'm Princess Stinky, I'm *special* and everybody knows it!"
Waldo: "Hey Mom, put on some track pants, I can't climb up these jeans!"
Mischief: "I can't hear you, but I can *BITE* you!!!" <boing> <boing> <boing>
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[Posted in FML issue 1730]