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Mon, 30 Sep 1996 16:34:06 -0000
Preferred Customer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
Greetings all.  My name is Ryan Markey and I wrote a short story about a boy
his ferret.  It's named "A Boy and His Ferret".  It's told thru the eyes of
the boy so keep in mind I do not talk like this or spell like this in real
life.  Also note that most of the 'R's in this are replaced with 'W's.
That's how a child talks.  Remember that what you are hearing is what a
child is saying, not an adult.
The Boy and His Ferret
    A short-story by Ryan Markey
    My name Tyler and Im 5 yeaws old.  I have a fewet.  His name Dew.
Mommy named him do.  I dont know why she name him Dew, but she say it
pretty name.  I love Dew.  Dew has soft fuw.  I love to pet Dew and
hug Dew evewy day.  Dew makes squeaky sound.  He make me laph.  When I
sleep, Dew cuddles up next to me.  He sleep on pillow wite next to my
head.  He wake me up in mowning by sniffing my face.  His whiskews
tickle.  I giggle and hug Dew.  He my best fwiend.
    We have fun evewy day.  We go out and I thwow a yellow ball.  He
chases it and jumps on it and wolls around on it.  He funny.  We have
lots of fun.
    When I go to school mommy give me lunch and daddy hug me.  I
always make suwe I hug Dew befowe I leave.  One time I late fow school
because I walk all the way home to hug Dew because I fowget to give
Dew hug.  I wealy love Dew alot.  When I get home Dew aways wun up to
me weady to play.  I giggle and we play with the yellow ball.  We love
to have fun.
    At night mommy give me nowmal food but she give Dew diffwent food.
Mommy say it special food just fow fewwets.  I don't know why fewwets
eat difwent food but he like it and he happy.  I am to.
    On Satuwday mownings me and Dew watch cawtoons.  Aftew cawtoons we
play.  Dew has lots of toys.  He aways love to play.  Mommy said he
get exewsise but I say he just like to play.
    On Sundays we go to chuwch.  When I ask mommy and daddy if Dew can
come they say no and I ask why not and they say he wasnt allowed so he
has to stay home.
    One day I come home from school and Dew didn't come to play.  I go
to mommy and she was cwying.  I asked hew whewe Dew was and she said
he he got out and went into the stweet and got hit by a caw.  I cwy a
long time.  Me and daddy took Dew out into the back yawd.  I cwy and
hug Dew one mowe time.  We put Dew in a shoe box and put the box and
the hole and covewed the hole with dirt.  In his box whewe all his
toys.  I love Dew.  Why he have to go?  I cwied all night.  Next day I
took the yellow ball and thew it out in the back yawd.  It wolled then
stopped.  Dew didn't chase it.
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[Posted in FML issue 1708]