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Fri, 13 Sep 1996 09:53:10 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
EH posted wanting to hear tales of how ferrets owners get caught in
California with their pets.  I've heard of several ferrets who have been
caught by animal control.  Just a few months ago, one individual had a
falling-out with her room-mate and her room-mate reported her to the police
and animal control.  Of course animal control showed up with a search
warrant and removed the animal.  I am happy to tell you that this animal is
alive and safe.  Also a couple months ago, another individual lost her
ferret and animal control picked up the animal.  This young lady was fined
and her animal was also picked-up by a local rescuer and has left the state
and it to is currently alive and well.  And then there are the neighbors,
who "accidently" see the ferrets.  I've had a elderly neighbor who did
accidently saw one of my ferrets and she came over and asked me not to let
my animal roam the neighborhood at night because it was digging through her
trash.  I assured her that I didn't allow my pet to roam the neighborhood
and I put a "Hav-a-Heart" trap in her back yard....well I caught the biggest
male opossum I have ever seen.  I released him in a field near our home.
All I can say is be very careful who you trust.
Debbie, Tasmanian Devil, She Devil and Angel :)
[Posted in FML issue 1691]