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Mon, 9 Sep 1996 18:00:04 -0400
Jessica Park <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Hi, all you happy peppy people!!
Yes, I do watch "I Love Lucy" too much.  ;) Heehee.  I just thought I'd say
a bit about waterbeds.  You remember Freddy, my ferret angel?  Well, he
slept in my waterbed for over two-and-a-half years, and he never once clawed
it, bit it, or whatever.  Everyone was always asking, "Aren't you afraid
he'll bite a hole in it?" He never did, though.  :) He was the best.
Also, somebody asked about hats and clothes and such.  I've seen just the
cutest hats in a local pet store, but they sell the same ones (plus
shirts!!) in Ferret Outfitters.  In case you're interested, the number of
the catalouge (sp) is... *Getting the lastest copy, hold on...* Okay,
there's a customer service number here.  It's (315) 594-6547, and that's
from 7:00 AM-4:00 PM EST.  I hope that helps!  I just adore that catalouge,
personally... :)
Oh, yeah, and Rosie, Maxie, Sammi, Wiggles, and Shiva, guess what!  We made
a mailbox just for letters and such regarding you guys, uh, girls, The Big
Adventure, The Big Wedding, etc., and it's called Stuff and Tings.  Heehee.:)
Well, I've gotta go, ya'll.  TTFN, Ta-Ta For Now!!  :) :) :)
              Jessica and the furbeans!  8:><:B
"You can deny all the things I've seen, all the things I've discovered...
but not for much longer.  Because too many other people know what's
happening out there - and no one, no government agency, has jurisdiction
over the truth."
                        Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'
[Posted in FML issue 1687]