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Mon, 2 Sep 1996 23:20:45 -0400
Niki Tyree <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (92 lines)
Hi everyone!
Well, I've been out of touch with FML lately due to a death in my ferret
family.  It's been over two months and it's still hard to talk about it but
I've decided it's time to tell my story so I can feel a little better!
I have four ferrets, (or should I say I had), Nanook my oldest male sable
ferret passed away July 15th.  On saturday late afternoon I noticed Nanook
was vomitting and very lethargic.  I watched him for a few hour and after no
noticable change, I called one of the vets I use (a specialist in NH).  He
said to try a few things and to call in the AM if there was no change.  I
stay up the entire night with Nanook forcing fluids and giving Pepto (as
perscribbbed by the vet) and holding him while he in pain and vomiting.  At
5 in the morning there was no change (and if anything he was worse) so I
called the vet in NH and he recommended to go to my local vet and get
eveluate for small bowel obstruction.  Well, to make matters worse I
couldn't get a hold of my local vet and I was in a panic, so I decided to
drive to NH (three hours away) because the vet was willing to come in.  I
drove three hours without any sleep and worried sick he was going to die.
When we got there, Nanooks body temperature was 4 degrees below normal, and
he was very dehydrated, even despite the fact I was forcing fluids every 1/2
hour.  They did a barrium swallow x-ray test and found an obstruction.  And
they did surgery twenty minutes later.  The Vet tolds us to go home because
he would be there at least 3-4 days post-op.  I drove home crying because I
just wanted to hold him and be there for him when he woke up.  The vet call
when a got home and said the surgery went terrific and that they found a
small black piece of rubber, smaller that a pencil eraser in his spincter
between his stomck and small intestines.  The worst was over he said and we
will just wait it out.I was relieved.
Monday I called from work at 1:00 to see how he was.  The vet said he was
eatting, urinating and playing in the cage and all was well.  I was so happy
and was making plans of when I could pick him up.  I left work at 5:00,
felling so happy and I got home and there was a message on the machine
saying to call the vets immediatly because Nanook took a turn for the worst.
I knew by the tone in the vets voice that he was going to died.  I called
and Nannok had started having troubles breathing and they took a chest x-ray
and found his lungs filled with fluid.  They tried everything and even tried
to intubate him.  He died!  They said he went quickly and hopfully without
pain.  His died from complication post-op, either a syndrome called DIC or
septic shock and he said he could preform an autopsy to find out exactly why
but his body had been through so much I couldn't justify it.  I wanted him
to rest in peace.  I know the vet did his best and he said nothing could
have stopped it and even if we could have gotten him in early (he was only
sick for 24 hours) he would still have died.
I cried my eyes out for two days straight, I couldn't sleep, eat and I
blamed myself for everything!!  I just wanted to crawl in a hole and die!!!
I didn't even get to kiss him goodbye or tell him that I loved him and when
the vet carried him away in his carrier to do surgery, Nanook looked at me
with this sad look on his face, as if to say goodbye.  I just wish I would
have known and I could have kissed him goodbye one last time.  I miss him
and I hope he is playing, having fun and eatting all the raisins he wants in
heaven.  He was the best guy and I still miss him every day and still cry
when I think of him!!!
I still blame myself once in a while when I get down in the dumps and I miss
him, even though I know deep down inside it wasn't my fault.  I searched the
enetir house, trying to fine where he got the black rubber piece (vet gave
me the piece he found).  No luck!  I will never know to this day where it
was from.  I had him creamated and I got an urn with his name printed on it.
I loved him with all my heart and he is dearly missed.  It took the other
three ferrets two weeks to start acting normal again.  I hope he knows how
much I love him and I don't feel like I'm ever going to get over this deep
pain.  Writting this letter is bringing all the memories back.  I'm so sorry
Well , there was one good thing that came out of this tragity.  My friend
suggested a month after Nanook died that I should think of adopting a ferret
from a shelter and give it a good home that it never had before, in Nannoks'
honor.  She suggest a shelter in NH that always had ferrets.  It took me
awhile but I decided to do it.  I went down and adopted a pair (the owner of
the shelter didn't want to separate them) of male ferret.  These poor little
guys were left at the door step of a humane society after hours in a small
box.  They are the best, a little skinny and under fed but I will take care
of that!!!!!  They will have meat on their bones in no time.  They seem very
happy, healthy and eatting like little pigs!!!!  Their names are Bailey and
Nanook lost his life but because of that he gave new lives to two little
fuzzies that never had that privilage of living in a warm and loving
environment.  For that I thank Nanook and I love him with all my heart.  I
hope one day I can think of Nanook and remember the good times without
crying but for now I will always be sad.
Thank you for listening to my story!  In a way it lifted a load of my chest!
And to all the other stories I've read in the past about the death of a
beloved ferret, I too know pain.  I hope all the dearly departed ferrets in
heaven are as happy as they can be and know how much they will be missed!!!!
-Niki, Sammy, Harley, CJ, Bailey and Zack-
[Posted in FML issue 1680]