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Mon, 19 Aug 1996 18:03:53 EDT
Sandy E Schieman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
Thanks to FFOFF (Funtastic Fourness of Furry Frivolity) in Dallas.  Tater
and Odie got the neatest toy in the mail today from them.  It's a furry
mouse thingy on the end of a string that dangles from a stick.  Major good
fun!  They love it.  Thank you so much.  (more later in private)
Ol' Flop Foot update.  Got a call from the Neurolgist that they had a
cancellation for today.  I spent and hour with the good doctor while he
checked me out.  Score: dead nerves 2, Paw Paw 0.  He did say that there
might be a chance that they might heal themselves in 2-4 months.  I have to
go back in next week for a nerve conductivity test to explore the
possibility further.  He said he'd probably also put me in a leg brace next
week.Oh joy!  Cyber Paw Paw.  I ain't havin' no fun no more!
Prayer fire.  It's a derivation of the council fire that Native Americans
used (still do) at solemn occasions.  I make me a smal fire beside my
favorite pine tree in the back yard and sit by it for awhile with a
prayerful attitude.  Gazing into the embers and flames helps me to empty my
mind of negative thoughts and to listen to any answers or sugesstions that
I've not listened to.  I've been having a little trouble 'tuning out and
tuning in' for the past few days - found some dry matches, but I keep trying
to strike the wrong end.  Dyslexics Untie!  As a result, I'm still a bit
Yet another miracle rescue in Ca Ca land.  Hmmm.  Well, I personally gave
Superman a blood transfusion today from my very own body.  Heck, he didn't
even ask me for an autograph.
Gotta go. It's time for Mee Maw to give me my nightly leg massage. If I get
lucky she might even phlegnate my squeezix!
Hugs and dooks from Tater and Odie,
Loves and grumps from
Paw Paw
[Posted in FML issue 1666]