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Mon, 19 Aug 1996 17:06:29 -0400
Adrienne Williams <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Congratulations!  Taka sounds like an all around perfect ferret to me.  This
is how ferrets are supposed to behave!  Play biting is completely normal,
and unless Taka is drawing blood, do not worry about it.  Simply enjoy your
ferrets fits of playfulness, this is how they show they are comfortable with
you as their ferret friend!  Younger ferrets, like young dogs and cats
sometimes bear down a little to hard when they are play biting.  They will
out grow this as they become socialized.  Ferrets in general are not the
cuddle up types.  The best time to get them to cuddle & smootch is right
when they wake up.  This will only last for a minute or two, and then forget
it.  There are too many fun things to explore.
If your ferret does bite you too hard (in this case you will have broken
skin or blood), you might try 1.  Not playing with him for ten minutes or
so.  This works because he is dying for you to play, and when you do not
respond after he bites too hard it sends a clear message that he went too
far.  2.  Try caging him for a few minutes, this works under the same
principle as putting a child in a corner and they hate it just as much as
kids.  There are other safe methods of breaking a biter, but from your post
it doesn't sound at all like you have a biter.  Ferrets, like cats and dogs
use gentle biting as a tool for play.  They are predators and most predators
do display this playful behavior.  Ferrets are capable of biting hard enough
to rip flesh away from bone, trust me I have had enough holes in me to make
a nice colander.  The fact that our fuzzy friends decide not to do this to
us shows that they think of us as big old ferrets that like to play just as
much as they do.
Learn to trust your new friend, and correct him when he is wrong.  But never
mistake ferret play with meaness, because it is just the opposite.  It's his
way of showing that he loves and accepts you as his friend.
Adrienne (The human)
Sampson, Nikita, Willie, Oscar, Daisy & Bear (The ferrets)
Sandy (The Border Collie)
[Posted in FML issue 1666]