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Mon, 5 Aug 1996 08:40:04 -0400
"marie i. schatz" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Bathing: Someone posted about bathing their ferret in the shower.  I have a
theory about why this sometimes works better.  I wonder if most fuzzy
owners, not wanting to hurt their ferrets, use too cold a water when bathing
their ferrets seperately.  I take fairly hot showers and Giesela jumps in
their with me occassionally.  When I bathe mine I take the water massage
shower head down and let it hang.  Turn on the water to my shower
temperature and it makes a little fountain.  Kneeling and having the shampoo
ready I hold the ferrets in the fountain - wet, shampoo, rinse.  They
struggle a little at first but then get resigned and i do it as fast as I
can.  I think its luke warm water that makes them go nuts and poop and pee
themselves.  Of course Boris would probably go nuts no matter what if I put
him in a filled sink - he's sort of scared of water in general.
Zoo's: Last December I wrote about the unbelievable misconceptions Binder
Park Zoo was spreading during their Christmas Lights shows when the docents
would take out ferrets, an owl and snake (seperately) and do a show and tell
every half hour for people.  Everything from "vicious animals" "stinky"
"even though now legal make bad pets", not one piece of factual helpful
information mixed in with the bad.  The one docent had on thick gloves and
kept saying how the ferret tried to bite him when taken out of the carrier
etc.  My vet was with me (we had heard what they were saying and sat quietly
listening) both wrote letters to the Zoo director.  Neither of us got a
response, not even a form letter.  I wish now I had followed up with a
Letter to the Editor.  Of course our small town likes having a zoo so the
zoo is pretty popular and I don't know if it would have gotton printed but I
would suggest that if the Minnesota zoo doesn't respond to direct contact.
Ferret IRC folders:  I think if we want to IRC we all have to be on the same
server right?  If someones on E.F.F.net UK and someone else is on Undernet,
Dallas - I don't think you see the same "chat rooms".  So far I have had the
best luck connecting to Undernet, Dallas consistently.  Maybe we should
agree to use the same server?
Vet question: I hate to keep asking - Dr. Dutton you said skinny poop would
be normal for awhile after Boris' scent gland removal.  It was 10 days for
the stitches to come and now an additional 2-3 weeks.  Is skinny poop still
normal?  Also his left eye waters a lot - always the left.  I notice when I
pet his head, pulling the skin a little the left eye shows a little milky
rim but not so much the right.  Will he end up with a cataract or????  Also
no one has responded about the legal ramifications of passing out ferret
information to the public in front of a pet store (with their permission of
Thanks and health to you and yours!
Miss Mary, Boris "how come I have such big feet and I'm small?"
and Giesela "I want out out out out out now!"
[Posted in FML issue 1652]