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Mon, 29 Jul 1996 12:57:28 -0700
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Hi everyone!
I received a call from my vet today about 4 ferrets of another client that
need a new home.  Apparently, there has been a relationship break-up, a
baby, and a restraining order(Geez!) Obviously, this is not a good situation
and something has to be done ASAP.
I spoke to the woman, Patty Evans, and told her that although I personally
could not take them, I would do whatever I could to help her with this
problem, including the FML and the newsgroup.
Apparently, the ferrets are being kept in an unoccupied house or apartment
right now.  They do have a window air conditioner, thankfully!  They are
presently being kept in a 4-story cage, but are used to having free roam of
the place.  She prefers that whomever takes them would not keep them caged
constantly, but I don't really think that applies to anyone on the FML>we
know better!<G> They are being fed Meow Mix(I know, I know!) She says they
will not eat anything else and that she got them from her neighbor...ie.,
she's not the original perpetrator of the diet disaster!<GG> Anyway, the
ferrets are all MF.  Two are 5 1/2 years old(Maxine and Bear, both
sables)and the other two are 2 1/2 years old(Eli-albino, and Abbey-sable).
They are both mixed couples, so to speak.  She would prefer to keep them all
together, but is willing to split them by age, i.e. the 2 older and the 2
younger ones.  They are not up to date on their vaccinations, presently, but
both the owner and my vet assured me that they would all be examined and
vaccinated prior to adoption.
So, if there is anyone out there that has room enough for 2 or 4 fuzzies,
please reply to me at the above e-mail or phone her directly at
(609)939-2127.  She hates to have to give them up, but she is presently
living with her mother and with the baby, she feels she doesn't have the
time for them now.  Oh, the older two are litter trained, and the younger
two are paper trained.  She said she even used to make them little clothes,
so maybe you can get those in the bargain!  : D All ferret items would be
included with the little guys, and since she did not mention $$$, I'm
assuming that because of her predicament, she is not asking for any.  She
simply wants to find them a good, loving home, as quickly as possible.  I
did suggest the area ferret shelters, but she would prefer not to go that
route, if at all possible.
I would take them if I could, but I have five fuzzies in three cages in the
living room of a one-bedroom apartment!  Plus, we are still not past the ECE
quarantine period yet, since we had it in April.  I would never risk it,
especially not with the older two.
Angel, my little incontinent 4 mos. old, had a Urogram contrast study over
two weeks ago.  The x-rays were sent to the Animal Medical Center in NYC,
and the vet still hasn't gotten a diagnosis from them yet.  They are calling
to find out what the results were.  In the meantime, Angel was on DES
hormone therapy for one week, and the dribbling temporarily stopped because
her vulva swelled a little and constricted the opening.  Since then, we have
reduced to only once a week and we are back to square one.  I hope the
x-rays show a problem that is correctable, but the initial guess was ectopic
ureters, an anatomical abnormality, which means that her ureters to not
attach to the bladder in the proper place.  Since we're dealing with tiny
anatomy, I doubt that it could be surgically corrected.<sigh> If anything
else is found, I'll post the results.
Well, gotta go.  I appreciate any help that can be offered in regard to
these problems.  Any creative ferret people out there....I need suggestions
for tiny ferret diapers!  ; )
Bye all!
Dodie and the Fuzzy Five(Gidget, Molly, Angel, Teddy and Fozzie)
[Posted in FML issue 1646]