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Fri, 26 Jul 1996 10:30:11 CST6CDT
Troy Lynn Eckart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
I can picture it ever so clearly -
Ferrets impatiently hiding along the sides of the Rainbow Bridge.  The air
is charged with excitement.  As the newcomer starts to cross over they all
tingle with anticipation.  A few chortles and the soft fluttering sounds of
tails gently wagging against the bridge are heard.  The newcomer is
intrigued by the sounds not knowing what awaits him/her.  The newcomer
stops, eyes wide, and listens - but now all is silent.  As the newcomer
crosses over to the other side there is an explosion of furry bodies all
dancing, jumping, rolling, and playing, drawing the newcomer into their
inner circle.  The love and joyfulness in their little hearts envelopes the
newcomer.  Soon all settles down and the "oldsters" explain the waiting
process to the newcomer.  The newcomer is ever so gently groomed by the
others to ease the pain of loss of their living companions.  The newcomer
can't help but to be consumed by their love.  They are all one big happy
family anxiously awaiting the next newcomer and in the end, their own
To all that have lost loved ones, my heart goes out to you.
Hugs to all.  tle (aka Sprite)
[Posted in FML issue 1643]