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Thu, 25 Jul 1996 18:05:29 -0400
Pam Grant and STAR* Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
to FML:
As a person who has seen many ferrets from all walks of life stroll through
her door, arriving in many conditions, I want to share a happy/silly story
with you.
Many of you know, I imported two German ferrets 4 years ago to start a
German / American lineage of ferrets, trying to breed for healthier animals.
Well, Schultz (see his picture with me on Ferret World) has always gained
weight in the Winter, and lost it in the Summer.  Well, not this Summer.  He
weighed in at a hefty 4.5 pounds, but is very pear shaped.  I have seen
ferrets with this shape have enlarged spleens or tumors, and even though
Schultz played well and ATE well, I wanted a complete physical to make sure
my breeding program was still sound.
So, off to the vet I go.  Blood was drawn for a CBC and profile, and I
wanted x-rays taken.  Heart was listened to, body palpitated, etc.  and $100
later, Schultz is pronounced fit as a fiddle, just tubby.  That money is
well spent to get a baseline blood workup and a LOT of peace of mind.
Schultz is now eating 8 in 1 Ferret Diet and Nature's Recipe cat maintenance
foods.  Both are meat by product as the first ingredient, 35% and 32% protein
respectively, but only 15% fat in each food.  He gets lots of run time.  When
some people see him, they say he looks like a little miniature Sun Bear.
I just want to remind everyone that it is not a bad idea to get a complete
physical for your ferret if they are 4 years or older - it might help find
some problems early.  Yes, older ferrets have slower metabolisms, but don't
let age be an excuse not to visit the vet.
Remember, I have a ferret who took BEST ALTER in championship showing this
past Spring, at the ripe old age of 7 years!  Pokey is still going strong
(his picture is in my CRITTERS USA ad in the red wagon).  I also have a MF
ferret who has lymphosarcoma, who is 7 years old as well, and it appears
that the lympho is shrinking with the medication.  He has had this problem
since last Fall.  If you catch a problem early, it is much easier to fix or
maintain it than to let it get out of hand.
Pam Grant/ Pet Pals/ STAR*
[Posted in FML issue 1642]