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Sat, 20 Jul 1996 11:55:16 -0400
Fran Wiles <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (97 lines)
As I posted a couple days ago about ECE, just some information as it
happened to me, FYI, and of course yet another opinion.
I broke with ECE on Memorial Day (May) of 1993 and lived in MD.  However, I
knew about what was then only known as "the crud, the green slime, the green
diarhea, etc." because a friend of mine who was at the time operating a
national ferret show/registry organization, had gotten "the crud" (I don't
know where they got it, nor do they) & was dealing with it 4-5 months prior
to when I got it.  They were residents of North Carolina.  However, this was
the first time I heard about it anywhere, & my friends in NC told me to
watch out, it was probably headed my way.  (BTW - I did not attend any
ferret shows with my ferrets after hearing about this.) I did attend a
ferret show without my fuzzies, however, this was in early April of 1993,
and my ferrets didn't break with ECE until the last week of May 1993.  I
think my ferrets at the shelter got it because of a rescue ferret I took in.
I don't really know where ECE started (at this point & time it doesn't
matter anyway), however, I was pretty "connected" into the ferret circuit at
the time, & I do know that my friends in NC was my very first indication of
ECE.  After knowing what they were going through, I was petrified at
thinking of what would happen if my shelter broke with this stuff.  Little
did I know, 5 months later, the fateful day would arrive.
Also, I can't speak for all shelters, but from the time I broke with ECE &
for 4-1/2 months thereafter, I did not take my ferrets anywhere, DID NOT
TAKE IN ANY NEW RESCUE/SHELTER FERRETS (I diverted potential new arrivals to
another shelter), did not go to ferret club meetings for fear I would give
it to someone else, did not adopt out any ferrets I had for adoption, & told
people with ferrets to beware of this horrible virus (well, we didn't know
what is was then).  With so little being known at the time about what is now
known as ECE, I did what "I" thought was best for me & for others as well,
as there was nobody to tell you what was right/wrong & there still isn't.  I
reopened the shelter 4-1/2 months later, not having any ferrets that were
still lingering with the virus except the one I discussed who never really
recovered from it.  I kept her isolated in an area by herself completely
until I realized that some of the ferrets that were beginning to come into
the shelter were getting ECE anyway.
I still deal with ECE today, it picks & chooses who it infects.  I despise
ECE.  I wish I never had it.  But I can't wish it away.  Shelters have
enough to deal with as it is, let alone the constant lingering shadow of ECE
in the background.  I have been on this emotional roller-coaster of at times
feeling I should shut down my shelter completely, forever, because of ECE.
What is right/wrong??  What I have come to realize is that regardless of
whether I would shut down or not, ECE is here to stay, as well as the fact
that people who own ferrets will continue to not want them & give them up
for whatever their reasons.  I operate my shelter with kindness, caring,
devotion - but above all - LOVE.  I cannot put into words what I feel for
ferrets in general, it's a feeling hard to express, whether the ferret is
mine, yours, or Joe Schmoe's on the street corner.  This love lives deep
within my heart & soul, and speaks for me & the work I do.  This love tells
me to continue with my shelter & rescue operation, but it also tells me that
honesty and the harsh reality of ECE must play a part - whether I want it to
or not - I have no choice.  If I quit, I'm quitting on not only myself, but
on one of the most precious things I've came to know in this life - ferrets.
So we continue to go into each new day, asking God to give us the strength
we need to see it through no matter what it brings - including ECE.  Should
I not take in ferrets, and sentence some to CERTAIN death because I don't??
This is REAL.  Unfortunately some people feel that their only option would
be to put their ferret to sleep or "set if free" in the backyard if I did
not take them.  Can we compare ECE & it's ramifications to death by a needle
or death by perhaps starving/freezing to death or being hit by a car or
eaten by a predator after being "set free"??  (Keep in mind I have dealt
with ECE for years - and I am a good bet that if the ferret is gonna make it
through ECE, I'll do everything in my power to see it through with my
experience with it.)
If what I do is wrong in the eyes of some - so be it.  As I stated in my
previous post, we make all parties involved with the adoption process well
aware of ECE as I and others know it, letting the final decision in their
hands, not mine.  We talk to all potential adopters about ECE on the phone,
not after they come to my house.  Many people have had ECE at some point,
whether they choose to admit it or not or maybe didn't realize they had it,
and being as we really don't know how long it sheds or how it really passes
from previously infected animals, there is no "safe point" as to saying your
ferret(s) may or may not any longer pass it on to someone elses, be it by
direct or indirect contact, we just don't know.  Yes, I do go to shows &
take my ferrets, but not ones that have ECE then, I would never do that, I
don't place ferrets that are currently dealing with an illness no matter
what they have.  But some ferrets may have had ECE previously.  But I got
news for you, ALOT of other people who have had ECE, whether you know it or
not, go to the shows all the time & take their ferrets.  I have people who
contacted me after getting ECE following a show; shows I've been nowhere
close to.  As I said, some average ferret owners may not even realize they
ever had ECE.  If you go to ferret shows, no matter where it is, who is
there, or how much disinfection is used at the show, there is the risk of
exposing your ferret(s) to ECE or any other communicable virus/disease.  But
just because you become a recluse & don't go to shows, doesn't necessarily
mean your ferrets will never get ECE.  Even if I never went to a show again
ECE would still be alive & well, like it or not.
Again, is there right/wrong??  I don't think so, just opinions, and I'm sure
you've had more than enough of mine.  Blessings to all, gotta go, the
fuzzies are waiting on Mom.
Sincerely - Fran & the Fuzzies in PA/Fran's Ferret Rescue
[Posted in FML issue 1637]