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Thu, 18 Jul 1996 11:35:50 -0800
"Holly S. DiMeglio" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
Hello again!
What a day yesterday.  Somehow the critters found out about our plans to
leave for a couple of weeks (I'm sure it was Tigger, Queen Cat).  They
plotted against me to make it known they were not happy with me.  As a
result, I just about lost it yesterday morning.
For starters, Tequila would not leave the dog alone, at all.  She kept
biting her hind legs, and the dog was going nuts.  Finally the dog picked
her up in her mouth and dumped her off in the corner of the room.  Then of
course I freak out yelling at the dog for daring to put her mouth on the
ferret!  (I have to admit she was very careful not to hurt her, Tequila is
her favorite.)  Tequila claims she was teaching Denali (the dog) ferret
Then Tigger finds the ferrets food (Iams Kitten) and eats at least half of
what was left.  It was quite a bit.
Then Kahlua proceeds to dig up two plants.  Dirt everywhere!  And just an
hour after I thoroughly cleaned up that room.
Then Tigger and Tequila got into it for an unknown reason, and this really
freaked me out.  Tigger is not gentle at all with the other critters, she's
out to prove that she is the Queen and all other animals are to leave her
alone!  But to my surprise, and my liking, Tequila bit the cat!  and
suffered nothing for it as far as I can tell (and since she's bald, it's
easy to tell).
Damn dog is on the couch, AGAIN!
The only animal that didn't pester me in Cou (cat).  But unfortunately
that's because she isn't feeling to well these days.
Today all is much calmer and back to normal.  Amazing what a threat about
the animal shelter will do!  (Just Kidding, I would never)
GOOD NEWS!!  Tracy offered a suggestion on how I could get Tequila to take
her lysodren.  I called my vet and he says it sounds alright.  I just gave
it to her and wow, was that ever too easy.  Now that I'm leaving I need to
leave directions for my housesitter.
Being in Alaska, I cannot get Totally Ferret, although we got a free sample
that they loved.  Ray & I are planning on "shipping" a big bag of TF with us
on the flight home.  Would be nice if the pet stores would carry it.  They
actually put the Marshall Food in their litter box when we tried it.  I got
my $ back.
Holly (What are you girls up to now!!!)
Ray (What did you do to my plants Kahlua?!!!!)
Kahlua (I was helping you, thought it was time they needed replanting.)
Tequila (Come on dog, jump like this, no, like this, [bite, bite, bite].
Maybe Tigger can learn, here kitty kitty kitty.)
Denali (Get away from me you little weasel, I don't want to dance)
Tigger (Yumm.  Food.  [crunch, crunch, crunch].  Get away from me you little
        weasel, I don't want to dance either! [swat])
Cou (Can't a cat get a little peace & quiet?  Take 'em away mom.)
[Posted in FML issue 1635]