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Fri, 28 Jun 1996 11:20:17 -0400
text/plain (77 lines)
If you Canadian Fuzzies would like to see Totally Ferret in Pet Valu store
Contents:  1.  Background Info;  2.  Contact Information
I have targeted Pet Valu Inc., through the head office, as a possible
distributor of TF.  My logic: they are a large, widely-spread company that
would give fuzzy owners the easiest access to the product across the
country.  Our current goal is to convince Pet Valu *Head Office* to
distribute TF.
Why TF is not in Canada: TF has *no* Canadian distributor.  The distributor
is the company that imports the food, deals with all the paperwork, and
sends the food off to the stores.  If you've ever mail-order shopped to the
US, you know this is NOT a light task ;-)
It is *VERY* hard for a company to get a distributorship.  The offices of
chains like Pet Valu literally get thousands of requests a year from
companies eager to break into new markets.  Most requests never get looked
at.  It's not that Performance Foods hasn't *tried* to break into the
Canadian market, it's just that they're trying at the same time as a
googleplex of other companies.
When it comes to convincing a chain to carry a product, CUSTOMER INPUT
REIGNS SUMPREME.  Every company has good things to say about itself...but
not every customer has good things to say about them.  Your voice is very
important.  Tell Pet Valu you want Totally Ferret.
More on distribution:
Your local Pet Valu franchise is *not* a distributor.  They rely on the
decisions of head office, which acts as the distributor to the chain--if
head office is not willing to supply TF to them, they can't get it.  Head
office simply presents them with a list of possible products.  If you want
your request for TF at your local franchise to count, MAKE SURE THE MANAGER
The head office of Pet Valu is currently CONSIDERING taking on a
distributorship for TF, thus making it possible for your local franchisee to
carry the product.  IT'S STILL UP IN THE AIR.  Their concerns:
- Will it sell?  What's the ferret market like?
- Will it be too expensive for the stores?  Do people want luxury ferret
- Is it actually a *GOOD* food?  Does it meet nutritional requirements?
- Performance Food only makes *one* product.  Is it worth their hassle?
To convince Pet Valu to carry the food, Canadians must contact Pet Valu
in a sane and orderly fashion.  Don't aggravate them.  Simply state your
Call 1-905-946-1200
Ask for Bernadette Murphy (customer service)
Say, "I'm calling to express my interest in the possibility of getting
Totally Ferret at my local Pet Valu."
Say, "My name is <your name here>."
Say, "I live in <your town here>."
(or do the same by fax, attn:  Ms. Murphy, customer service, at
That's *all* you have to do.
They have all the info they need about the company.  I have talked to the
Vice President, distribution, and the head of Nutrition Assessment already.
You may be asked questions about *why* you want an expensive, high-end food;
*what* you are feeding now; and *where* you first heard about TF.  (So think
quick ;-) )
If you want more background info, mail me at [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1616]
[Posted in FML issue 1616]