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Thu, 27 Jun 1996 06:16:38 -0400
Gail Reilly <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
I am a New York State Trooper and last night I was on patrol and was flagged
down by a motorist at a gas station who pointed out to me a bedraggled,
tired bewildered looking fuzzzball in sanding in the middle of the self sef
island drinking spilled soda off the pavement.  With wanton disregard for
all of the rules regarding stray animals in troop cars, I scooped the little
guy up, and he is now sleeping in my bathtub.  I gave him water, and the
only meat based food I good find in the house (Nathan's hot dogs, eek) and
he is now curled up for a long nap.  The dilemma is this, I really can't
keep the little guy.  I recently gave up all my four fuzzies in the
separation agreement with my soon to be ex-husband.  (I know, sometimes I
can't beleive I gave them up either, but I had to look out for their best
interests, and due to my line of work, I am almost never home, and I had to
do what was best for them.  Whoops, I digress) So, since I have no fuzzies
any longer, I have no cage, food toys, ferretone, or any other ferret
related items in the house with which to care for this adorable little guy.
I believe he has ear mites, and I have also spotted a couple of ticks on
him.  I have already removed one, but he freaked out a lot when I tried to
get at the others, and he seems so frightened and tired, I thought I'd let
him rest a bit, before tackling the rest.
I am about 45 miles north of New York City, on the western side of the
Hudson.  I am going to look up some info in the FAQ, and try to call some
shelters today, but I wanted to get this into the FML asap.  If anyone would
like to provide a good home for this sweet little guy, or can recommend a
shelter anywhere within a reasonable drive from here, please e-mail me.
(Try me, I just want to help the little guy.) He is male (obviously), maybe
two pounds, a little gaunt, but nice coat, chocolate sable (I think) and
very content being held.  In fact I had to hold him in my arms and hand feed
him the hot dog.  So cute!!!  I will put an ad in the paper, and contact
some local shelters (all the one's so far have said no way) and I will keep
him as long as I can , but I don't know how long I can harbor a fugitive
weasel in my bathtub.  (No pets clause in the lease)
Any help,advice info, etc will be gratefully accepted.  Thanks so much in
Gail Reilly & the unnamed little fuzzy orphan  (If give him a a name I'll
never let him go!)
[Moderator's note: Now what a coincidence.  There's a gathering of a few FML
folks on Saturday at Bear Mountain Park.... you know, on the west side of
the Hudson, maybe 40 or so miles north of NYC?  Any takers?  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1615]