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Sat, 22 Jun 1996 07:31:32 -0400
Kevin / Erin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
Someone asked about a ferret mousse for fleas and we used one about a year
ago that seemed to work well with the regular pick-them-off-in-the-bath
routine.  I'm in Canada, don't know if you can get it but try at your vet.
It's called Siphotrol Forte(big black and white and red mousse bottle also a
spray for the floor).  It worked well although they hated standing still to
get it put on(makes for cute mohawks though!)
Also, we are in search of a ferret as a companion for Bear, if anyone knows
of someone who has one, could you let us know?  The Humane Society has one
but it is still in quarantine and we tried the No-Kill shelter but they
never answer their phone.  We can't exactly ask Gabby (the cutie from the
park) to move here.
Thanks for now,
Erin, Kevin and Bear the big stinky
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[Posted in FML issue 1610]