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Wed, 12 Jun 1996 23:03:54 -0400
"Linda E. Langve" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hi fellow ferret lovers;
I took my little ferret Snickers to my vet for his second round of distemper
shots and I picked up some interesting information about a chip called the
Avid microchip.  This chip can be injected into an animal and has a unique
I.D.  code that can be picked up on a scanner similiar to the scanner at a
grocery store.  According to my vet, it can be injected into the breast of a
bird or injected into the necks of dogs, cats and ferrets.  I'm unclear if
the chip is subcutaneous or actually in the muscle.  (Perhaps one of our
online vets could clarify this?) If the pet is lost, a shelter can scan the
pet and the chip can be traced right to the vet who has all health
information on the animal at his/her fingertips.  I'm told that the Dane
County Humane Society (here in Madison Wisconsin) uses the scanner to check
on all incoming animals and they are delighted to find a positive scan so
they can return the animal to its owner.  My vet says the cost of injecting
the chip is $35.00 (plus office charge) and can be done during any office
visit.  (Heck, if you're all ready paying the office charge you might as
well get it done.) Does anyone have any comments/experience with this method
of identification?
Linda and Snickers (Mom, is it gonna hurt?)
[Posted in FML issue 1601]