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Fri, 24 May 1996 08:54:52 -0700
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I often take my ferret Pixel out often for walks, and have develope some
ways to deal with people who get on my nerves.  I really hate the people who
get all mushy and start taking baby talk to Pixel.
Here are a few good phrases:
- Tell them you're on your way home, and have to things to do.
- My ferret isn't feeling well, I think she ate something she shouldn't
  have, and I need to get her home.
- Or just say that you would really just rather relax and not show off the
  ferret at this time.
You have to be firm, some people will use your ferret as an opportunity to
pester you, pick-up, or panhandle.  If your are uneasy or frightened of
strangers you may have trouble taking your ferret out or out alone.  Having
your pet in public (even common pets like dogs) draws attention to yourself,
and is an opening for people you do not know to speak to you.  I do the same
thing to dog owners, because I like dogs, and like to pet other people's
dogs as much as some people like to pet my ferret.
I have actually had some pleasant experiences with people who I have
encounted on walks.  At the post office I met another ferret owner in my
neighborhood who we later spend an afternoon with.  At the park my wife,
Pixel, and I where treated to home made lemonaid from a women who was really
interested in getting a ferret and wanted to see how her kids and dog would
take to it.  (the kids loved it, the dog hid under the bed...)
Reaction probably depends a lot on where you live.  Being that Los Angeles
is a big and impersonal city, most people will not approach us even when we
can see that they are dieing to know what it is.  Parents are often
unwilling to let their children look or talk to us.  On the other hand,
people who know what a ferret is are often very socialable, as are other
exotic pet owners.  People who gave up their ferrets before moving to
California are often plead to hold Pixel for just a minute, I always let
them, and give them a CDFA business card.  Dog owners I have found are
either really over protective either of their dogs or fear that their dogs
will hurt Pixel.  I've found that most dogs tend to treat Pixel as if she
was a dog (you smell my rear, and I'll smell yours...), although a few just
tuck their tails between their legs and stay away.  The only dogs that I am
generally wary of are the 'ratting' dogs (pit bulls, terriers, etc.) Pixel
will not tolerate being drooled upon, and will hiss and bear her teeth at
the drooler.
My local merchants all enjoy having Pixel in their stores (even when they
have 'No Pets Allowed' signs), owners, manangers, and employees are my best
source of signatures for legalization petitions, and promoting CDFA and FA.
About one out of 100 people are just terrified.  Since I've gotten Pixel
I've had about 4 people run in terror at the sight of her, events which
leave me holding my sides laughing.
The only twice have I had hostile experiences.  Once of group a girl gang
bangers suggested that they might stomp me and take the ferret, but they
either where not serious, or where just harassing me because of my race.
Another time an animal rights fanatic badgered me about how it was cruel to
imprison a 'wild animal', when I explained to the boob that ferrets are
domesticated like dogs and cats he said that was even worse, because it was
unnatural meddling with nature, but what can you do with religious
fanatics.... (I know what I would like to do, but that is another issue...)
Brad Falk
[Posted in FML issue 1580]