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Wed, 2 Oct 1996 06:23:01 EDT
Dayna Frazier <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (112 lines)
Hi Everybody...
>I want to Kill that Breeder!
I am sorry to report the little machine that is issuing numbers so each
person will know their place in the line for this pleasure has run out..  it
only held 1000 tickets... refills have been ordered..  :] humour aside - tle
has stated the cage conditions were not horrendous by known standards..  in
fact they seemed better than a lot of these mills that have been reported
about..  however - the shed with straw all winter..  with no health checks,
and no supervision qualifies this guy for the 'early termination program'
from where I am standing..  the comment about raking out the old straw and
'dead ferrets' in the Spring has me looking fondly at my 45 semi-auto...
Where I have infinite patience and understanding [love and joy as well] for
all critters..  I do not extend that concern and courtesy to humans...
several people have volunteered the tide for this guy..  I'll cover the
shed, straw, rake and Spring cleaning service for him... [to those who would
take me to task for my 'bad attitude' on this subject..  I have been the
victim of profound human cruelty, birth through 17 years of age, so I feel I
am qualified to 'take a position' in regard to this individual..  to those
who have not had such experience - please do not try to 'educate' me to your
point of view, what ever it may be, you haven't the qualifications and won't
be heard..  I wouldn't take sky diving from someone who had never been off
the ground either!]
a reply to the person who posted re rabies shedding studies..
Your comments about your favourable position re the rabies shedding studies
because the cruel death of thousands of ferrets can be seen as quite
acceptable in view of the gain to be made by finding a cure' for rabies
through these studies, is EXACTLY why I posted a plea for people to educate
themselves in the area of rabies shedding studies!  The rabies shedding
studies which involve the deliberate infection of masses of ferrets with the
rabies virus [there are 8 strains that each will have it's own study] will
determine when, in the course of the disease ferrets shed [have the virus
present in their saliva] the disease, therefore becoming capable of
infecting, through a bite, another creature [animal or human]..  Period!  No
rabies treatment to save ferrets that contract rabies..  NO CURE!  and each
'study' will have to repeated to prove the findings can be replicated.
Since we already have a vaccine proven to prevent rabies in ferrets, and
rabies shedding study results are already available from previous 'studies',
what will these 'new' deaths accomplish?  Will they force the quarantine of
ferrets instead of the immediate termination and examination of their brains
for signs of the virus?  Will the senseless slaughter of our fully
vaccinated beloved pets immediately stop??  NO ON ALL COUNTS!!  What ferret
advocates will have, is a bargaining chip, which may or may not be even
recognised by the people who author and enforce the 'kill and test' policies
all over the country that we are trying to get changed to a 'quarantine and
observe' policy.  These 'officials' have refused to accept the vaccine and
the previous study results so their acceptance of the 'findings' derived
from these 'studies' is only a Fervent Hope..  and nothing more!  Your
further statement that you would 'donate' your pet to a study if one ever
became infected with the rabies virus is another indication education is
sadly needed about these 'studies'!  The research staff would not accept
your pet!  The strain of rabies virus, the exact time of infection, the
precise physical condition of your pet at the time of infection, and dozens
of other data items would not be known, so your suffering fuzzy would be
rejected as a subject for inclusion in any of the 'studies'!  Someone,
somewhere, has just plain lied to you!  It is just this type of
misinformation that prompted my post in the first place.
re ramps coverings in cages with wire ramps..  an alternative to carpet,
which I think is the ideal covering [but presents raveling and cleaning
problems for some people], is to fasten plastic 'canvas', the type used in
home hobbies, to the surface of the ramps.  It is easily cleaned and
inexpensive to replace, comes in many colours, and is very durable.
re the cage made by the Calif. resident that costs $250.00..
The observation that the cage is 'cheap' clearly shows you have never seen
the cage nor researched it.  That cage is anything but 'cheap' in it's
materials and it's construction!  I, on the other hand, have that cage..
and have added two more modules to the original three..  making it a five
module high, caster based, appropriate for 12+ ferrets, and infinitely
versatile ferret enclosure.  The construction is so outstanding the addition
of the extra two modules present no strain whatsoever to the structure of
the cage nor it's base!  Just try that with any other cage available
anywhere today!  It appears, at first, to be rather expensive... however,
that reaction is immediately replaced by one of being very favourably
impressed by its quality, versatility [each module can be isolated from any
other module by simply 'dropping and fastening in place' the connecting
'trap doors' that are built into each modules access area], mobility,
durability, ferret oriented design and detail, and ferret owner ease of care
and cleaning.  A comparison of this cages quality and features readily
demonstrates it's superiority over other cages available.
re ferret hazards....
Heavy, but still hazardous objects in your ferrets environment can be very
securely fastened to the surface they rest on by placing several lumps of a
putty type substance available in most hardware stores..  This 'putty' or
'clay' has many brand names..  just ask for the stuff people in Calif use to
secure their possessions against damage from earthquakes..  [at least there
this one 'good thing' that has come of those wretched earthquakes] this
stuff will keep nearly anything secure even through a really bad shaker] t
the lady whose little one was lost to that 'freak accident'..  I am so sorry
you lost your precious and much loved little fuzzy..  there was no way for
you to predict this dreadful accident was going to happen..  Thank you for
putting yourself through the pain of telling your fuzzys story to the fml
readers, you have given a warning to other ferret owners that will save
other fuzzys pain, and possibly death, from a similar accident.
re tle and her rescue of the breeders..
You are an inspiration to us all!  It is a privilege to know you!!
Thank you, BIG, for the endless service to give so generously to us all..
The enormous good you do for ferrets everywhere is beyond measure!
 Happy Ferreting...  dayna and the Woozles  :
 "Resident of... Marvelous Menagerie Of Mirthful Mayhem"
 dayna frazier  102046,3162  02-Oct-1996  03:08:24 PST
[Posted in FML issue 1711]