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Mon, 16 Sep 1996 19:00:02 -0400
Danee DeVore <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Do any of you have ferrets with ESP?  You know, like mind readers or
something.  I swear that several of mine can read minds.
Two of my boys - ET and Buster - love to help make the bed.  When ever I
start to pull the sheets up or fluff the pillows, they immediately appear to
help.  They could be sound asleep in another part of the house, and as soon
as I start, there they are.  No matter how quiet I am, they know when it is
time to make the bed.  Now, don't get me wrong, bed making is a lot more fun
with ferret helpers, it just takes a lot longer.  On weekday mornings when I
am trying to get off to work, I would sometimes just prefer to get the task
over with, rather than turning it into a big game.
Midget is a mind reader, also.  She likes to go down to the family room in
the basement.  This part of the house is not ferret proofed, so she can only
go down there when someone can supervise her.  I can walk by the basement
door 20 times, and she won't pay any attention.  However, the minute I start
for the door with the intention of opening it and going down, there she is,
begging to join me.  And like the 2 boys, she could be in another part of
the house only seconds before.  Somehow, she always seems to know when that
door is going to open.
Our ferrets also always know when someone is eating ice cream.  They all
like to lick the dish when we are through, and so, as a treat, we sometimes
will let them.  The minute someone has a dish of ice cream, they have
multiple ferrets following them trying to beg a taste.
So, does anyone else have ferrets that read minds?
Danee DeVore
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[Posted in FML issue 1694]