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Mon, 19 Aug 1996 17:24:34 +0600
Chuck Renaud <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (87 lines)
>"Ferrets First Shelter, TX" <[log in to unmask]>
>White Fang, where are you? ...
>Oh, it was the ferret that had been diagnosed with Insulinoma and
>the owner was seeking help.  Email me and I will connect you with
>FAIR in Illinois (I think)...
I volunteer at Mary's shelter and would be happy to act as a go-between,
since she's not always easy to catch by phone.  When I go in Wednesday, I'll
see if she minds me posting her "soup" recipe.
Some unrelated stuff:
I don't know if this is FML or Pam Grant, but what does it take for a vet to
be listed in the database?  I recently moved and tried out one of the vets
listed and was disgusted at the place.  None of the doctors I asked about
had any training specific to ferrets and they didn't wipe down their exam
rooms in between appointments.  I ended up going to the new Petsmart one
I would like to expand the ferret section of my home page to include
two more sections:
-> A "map" showing the geographical locations of FMLers...I did this on a
couple of other lists out of personal curiosity and I'm wondering if anyone
else would be interested in seeing this.
-> I'd also like to take some of the FML "highlights" and make them
available on my pages...this would include some of the "heartwarming"/heroic
stories that have really made me glad I'm on this list.  However, I wouldn't
want to do this without BIG's permission and the OK from the original
posters.  If I get the former, I'll contact the latter privately and ask for
their go-aheads.
And to add to the Zoo thread:
* When I visited Milwaukee Zoo, I basically ended up talking to employees
who didn't have a clue.  So I called up there the following week and got a
"we'll look into it" attitude.  Not being satisfied with that, I have sent a
follow-up letter with some backing evidence that they listed ferrets'
habitats incorrectly.  If I get any response, I'll pass it on.  I don't
remember who started that particular post.
* I went to Brookfield Zoo (Chicago) a couple of days ago and found out they
have ferrets in their children's zoo.  On their cage, the sign it says that
permits are required to own ferrets in Illinois.  I've never lived in an
area that demands permits (just rabies shots, which are useless in Cook
County--they kill ferrets either way).  I'm not sure if it's worth pointing
this out to the zoo...any thoughts?
A new PetCare just opened up a couple blocks away.  So I go in to check it
out.  They have a tank of MF ferrets that are, of course, very cute.  While
playing with them, a guy walks by and says he can't believe ferrets are sold
for that much money ($100).
I asked him what he meant and he goes (paraphrasing): "I used to live in
Michigan, where ferrets are indigenous, and they were all over the place."
After a deep breath and biting my tongue, I informed him that DOMESTIC
ferrets wouldn't survive in the wild--maybe he was confusing them with
another animal.  His response was "you obviously don't know anything if you
read those magazines for your information." He didn't clarify what "those
magazines" were but I pulled two books off the shelves and told him to see
for himself.
"I don't need a how-to manual, I used to work for the DNR."
He wasn't interested in listening and he wouldn't provide any specifics to
back up his statements, so I left it as a "DNR, huh...that explains it
then...stay ignorant.  I have to go call some ferret shelters and let them
know they're no longer needed" and walked away.  How frustrating.
As a positive from the incident, the store manager asked if I could drop off
some of the shelter's business cards and pass on any other information that
might be valuable to their employees.
   / Chuck Renaud <[log in to unmask]> /
  /               <[log in to unmask]>      /
 /    http://shoga.wwa.com/~crenaud/    /
[Moderator's note: I have no problem with people putting sections of the FML
anyplace helpful as long as the original posters give their OK.
Geographic distribution will be pretty difficult - pretty sure the FML has
subscribers in all 50 states as well as in at least 22 countries.  But if
anyone wants to volunteer their location to Chuck, I don't suppose it could
hurt!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1666]