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Wed, 14 Aug 1996 00:16:00 -0800
"Holly S. DiMeglio" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
To Danee: In the house I used to live in, we had cockroaches for almost a
year.  We did everything, only to have them return in full force a couple of
weeks later.  A few weeks after I got the ferrets, we had less and less of
them cockroaches.  I hate to think that they ate them, but there were hardly
any when we moved out.  In January we moved into a duplex (we bombed the old
place with all of our possessions in it except for the pets, so as not to
transplant any roaches).  After a month our tenants on the other side
started complaining about mice, lots of them.  It took them several months
to get rid of those mice, probably still have them.  We never had a one.
Between two cats & two ferrets, I don't think they ever thought about coming
into our side of the house.  My workplace is infested with mice too, but not
my home!  I'm convinced the ferrets are a natural form of pest control.
To Nichole: Sorry to hear you had to leave Anchorage and your ferrets.  Only
when **** freezes over will I leave this place.  Hope CA becomes legal soon
so you can get yourself some fuzzbutts.
A really wierd day here.  Tequila is acting funny (not ha-ha).  When I put
the kids back into their cage before leaving for work, Tequila got real
clingy, like she was scared and wanted reassurance or something.  I had
about 10 minutes before I had to leave and I just held and pet her - not
something she really ever lets me do.  So I'm getting all paranoid, thinking
the worst.  I lavished her with affection, afraid I may not have another
chance (by the way she was acting).  I came home at lunch and after work and
she was just fine.  It was just too strange and I still have this deep down
feeling that something is wrong, but maybe not with her.  My aloof cat is
also extremely affectionate today too.  Now before anyone gets the idea that
my pets are sensing that I may be pregnant, let me reassure you there is no
chance of that.  But I can't figure it out.  Also my dog got into some
things and shredded them into pieces all over the living room, something she
hasn't done in 3+ years.  Go figure.  Something's up.
[Posted in FML issue 1661]