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Wed, 31 Jul 1996 11:55:10 EDT
"Irena Arthur (OPS|schwanke)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Hello fellow fmler's,
First of all I would like to thank Kelleen for sending me the information
for handling extreme biters!  I will let you know what happens as soon as I
have something to report!
To Peter Brown: Yeah, I have an idea of what the problem may be!  Your fuzzy
is obviously trying to tell Sabrina to keep her hands OFF his man!!!!
To Steve McGrane: Steve, I can sympothize!  I have a sever biter and it took
a while before she stopped ATTACKING my other girls!  She still bites them
too hard when she is very excited or when she's been punished (she takes it
out on the other girls) but for the most part they get along now.  Chelsea
is the extreme where biters are concerned so when we introduced her to our
other two girls we ALWAYS supervised their play!  It was rough at times not
to interfere but unless things got REALLY nasty we didn't!  By nasty I mean
drawing blood on the other ferrets!  Sometimes I would stop things when I
couldn't stand to hear the screams or look at Lucy or Tabitha's pitiful
little faces begging for mercy.  Basically I think your girls are
establishing who the boss is and once they each accept their positions in
the household things will probably settle down.  Try disciplining the
aggressor with a scruff and a stern "NO"!  As hard as it seems sometimes
parents just have to sit back and let things take their natural course!
God bless and love to all,
        Irena...Lucy, Chelsea, Rikki and Tabitha's mom
[Posted in FML issue 1648]