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Thu, 25 Jul 1996 18:05:37 -0700
Michele Romano <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
I'm new to FML, but I've been enjoying all this talk about ferrets.  I
absolutely love these little creatures and i'm thinking of purchasing one
but I'm afraid that I may not have the time to care for them properly.  I'm
a teacher and I'm presently taking classes at night for a master's degree,
so time is rather short at the present moment.  I was hoping that maybe
someone wouldn't mind answering a few questions for me.
Firstly, as I've been reading the postings it sounds as though many of you
allow your ferrets the run of the house.  I was under the impression that
ferrets must be supervised (or caged when not supervised) or they tend get
into trouble...like chewing the wiring or furniture in the house.  What
would be best for the ferret especially when I'm not home until about
I would also like to know about the following:
- Why are many of you stapling linoleum or heavy material to the bottom of
  your couches?
- What is the best diet for a ferret?
- If you bath a ferret regularly, will the musky scent disappear?
- What is ECE?
- If I'm supposed to purchase a cage, how large should it be?
- What is the best method of litter training a ferret?
- When picking out a ferret, what are the warning signs of possible illness?
- Is it better to go to a breeder or a pet store to purchase a ferret?
I hope I haven't annoyed anyone with all my questions, and I hope you don't
think me ignorant, but I'm trying to provide a good home for a new pet and I
want to get as much information as possible.
Thank you all in advance!
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[Posted in FML issue 1642]