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Wed, 24 Jul 1996 01:52:23 -0600
fanglady <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (118 lines)
Hi All,
Well I am sitting here near to tears but a little hopeful.  I finally
reached the director of the Mt.  Home Humane Society again last Friday.  I
was real unhappy to learn that even tho they had verified my complaint about
that awful breeder I bought Cloud & Fancy from that their hands were tied
and they had to get the police to help them.  Then of course the police said
they had no time etc..  to help them.  She was told the Chief was gone on
vacation for 3 weeks so that really screwed things up.  I told her I was
going to call them immediately and see if I could help to lite a fire under
their butts to help.  Funny thing happened when I called on Friday, the
chief who was on vacation, was only out to lunch!!  <GGG> Apparently his
vacation fell thru thank heavens for us.  When I finally caught him in on
Monday he was very nice and as fed up with all the animal cruelty happening
there as we are.  He already had a meeting planned to talk to some people
about it.  He told me the police had their hands tied also to a degree on
this matter.  That the place with the power to help was now the prosecuting
attorney's office.  I said I would call them but he asked me to wait.  He
requested a letter from me and one from my Mom telling about the entire
incident so he could then take it to the P.A.'s office himself.  So my Mom
and I just finished our letters tonite to him and the Humane Society too as
they also asked this of us.  Both of us could not even make it thru reading
them to each other without breaking into sobs over the memory of it all.
Mom's was much shorter than mine as I had to put in all that happened and
tell why each thing was so bad, what proper care is etc... Well they asked
for it, mine is a whole 4 computer pages and a small amount of the 5th.  I
hope to heaven that this will get people motivated now to take care of this
abomination of a human being.  Think of us and wish us luck please as I can
hardly bear each day that passes that she is left to do these things to
innocent animals of all kinds and especially when a new litter of kits is
due born any day or may already be born.
Silver goes in for the much wanted spleen removal Thursday morning so keep
her in your thoughts as well please.  She will be much happier once she gets
her desired modelferret body back again<GGG>.  At that time we will decide
if Otee goes in for an exploratory or what.  The Angel vet has been doing
research on his case to determine the best course of action and I have
supplied him with Doc.  Williams name, address, phone number and e-mail.  I
sure do hope we can figure out how to help my little boy as I know this
irritates him a great deal.
Thanks everyone that explained to me where the names Yacko and Wacko came
from.  I feel a bit better knowing that and for now that is what I am
calling them in case they do react to those names best.  They have settled
down considerably and tho they have tried on occasion I have not been nailed
since the first night.  I am able to pick them up and often they will not
even attempt to bite me now so I am very proud of them and hopeful they will
come around completely in the end.  Even when Yacko the bad biter tries now
she is much slower and it is almost like she is giving me a fair chance to
grab her neck and stop her, and because of this I am very observant and
pretty d**m fast now myself <GGG>.  Mostly I have just given them lots of
time to roam about and begin to feel safe and unthreatened here.  When
needed they get the scruff and shake and scold treatment and only a few
times in the very first days did Yacko require the bitter apple treatment.
I am just so very proud of these girls and am filled with nothing but hope
for them a bright and happy future.
Lightstar is doing great and still a grump:-( For the 1st 3 days after
surgery I thought a miracle had truly happened.  NO FIGHTING!!  I even found
him and his arch nemesis Larry sleeping together if you can believe it!  I
ran and took a ton of pictures of that event just in case it never happened
again.  Then unfortunately 3 days later he began his fighting and stalking
all over again.  Not as bad or often as before tho so I am very grateful for
that.  My angel vet told me it could take several weeks for his hormones to
balance out again so not to give up hope yet.  If I had only 1 wish right
now it would be for him to stop the mean behavior and just be a sweet,
lovable ferret friendly ferret.  My life would be much easier to cope with
then so I am still hoping for that miracle someday to happen.
Now the fun, FANCY!!!  My girl is growing up so fast:-(:-).  I can't decide
if I am happry or sad about that as you can see<GGG>.  Once cloud left to go
to his new home I started giving her a great deal of freedom.  Each day she
would roam a little farther and get into more mischief.  It was wonderful to
see.  She learned to use the self waterer and I only found out because when
I picked her up she was soaking wet, LOL!!!  Guess the first try wasn't too
successful but now she is a pro.  At first she always came back to her cage
and put herself to bed and ate her softened food.  Then all of a sudden she
never came back to bed and I would find her under the chair sleeping or
under the couch with other ferrets.  Then the food was never being eaten
unless the big kids came and pigged out on it.  I soon saw that my wondrous
FANG GANG had taught her to eat the dry food and my assistance was no longer
required.  Then I learned that my FANG GANG had also taught her to use the
grownups potty boxes!!  I am absolute so proud of this baby girl FANCY I
could burst.  She is now in the stage where she irritates everyone ALL the
time with her constant playiing and mock attacking etc... she even tried to
bite my friends little son's butt the other night.  Almost jumped high
enough to get it too <GGG>.  She is a real little terror now let me tell ya.
I am having to reteach her just how hard she can bite her human mommy as she
seems to have developed amnesia in that area.  We are having tons of fun and
lots of love and just plain great times with out baby FANCY who is not so
much a baby anymore.  Now she travels the entire house and sleeps up in the
couch with the crew a lot and generally raises heck whenever she can.  I am
sure little Cloud is doing all the same things as he was starting them the
day he got to his new home.  Fancy was a bit of a late bloomer I guess.  So
rest assured this sweet baby is doing great and having a high old time here.
I haven't been getting much e-mail lately so I do want to say to you all
don't not write to me because I seem so busy.  I still love the letters and
requests for help and all of that.  It keeps me going day to day to know how
many good friends I have made here that are behind me 100% and that there
are many people out there in need of help that just maybe I can help.  So
please don't stop writing as I look forward to those letters very much.
Sometimes it takes a day or two to get back to you but I always do.  THANKS
everyone.  TNT!!
*        Kelleen Andrews  &  Her FANG GANG!!!!        *
*  President and Founder of F.A.N.G. Shelter/Club     *
*      (Ferret Association of Neverending Glee)       *
*        405 S. Orchard   Boise, Idaho  83705         *
*                208-342-7292                         *
*             [log in to unmask]                   *
*   I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday!  *
*   All they want is lots of love and great chow.     *
[Posted in FML issue 1641]