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Tue, 23 Jul 1996 12:44:24 -0400
"::datskat::" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
you guys are wonderful!
i received many helpful replies, and i'd like to thank you all (Todd
Cromwell, Dee McNally, Fanglady, Valerie, Joe, Regina Harrison, Anatole
Mori, Lisa Baker, and Tom Barney) for your advice.  the comforting words
were just as, if not more helpful than the actual advice itself.  the
general consensus seems to be to let Ozzie and Sam go at it, while
supervising with a protecting eye.  it's hard to hear Sam squeal and do
nothing about it, but she's learning that a strategically placed nip can
calm Ozzie right down.  it's still pretty rough, but i have noticed a very
slight improvement.  at least now Ozzie's first priority when i let him out
isn't attacking Sam.  he'll play a little, then attack her.  but hey, it's a
start.  i think everything's going to work out.  Oziie is scolded and put in
time out when he's too rough, but he's loved all the more when it's time to
come out.  i also give Sam a liitle special attention during this trying
again, thank you all for your help.  i was overwhelmed by all the responses
i received.  i was a subscriber to the FML, but switched Internet providers
and can no longer handle the mail.  o do manage to check out back issues
when i get a chance.  i will keep everyone informed on how things go.  Ozzie
and Samantha send love and many warm nuzzles.
thank you all,
Doug, Ozzie, and Samantha
PS - anyone know of any (ughh) flea products that are safe for fuzzies?
living in a neighbor hood with many stray cats, i'm afraid one of the little
buggers snuck in on a human. it's not that bad yet, but i'd like to nip it
in the bud. any suggestions?
   @        "punk ain't no religeous cult, punk means thinking for yourself
@  @  @      you ain't hardcore 'cause you spike your hair
@@ @ @       when a jock still lives inside your head."
@ @@@
@  @        mail me your thoughts on corndogs, Ron Jeremy, or the wonderful
@ @@@       mullet hairstyle. <[log in to unmask]>
@@ @ @
@  @  @     "I drank what?" - Socrates
check out d's list o' shows at  http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/3027/
[Posted in FML issue 1640]