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Fri, 19 Jul 1996 21:36:07 -0400
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Hi fellow fuzzy fert owners:
I am a new lurker of the FML and am enjoying every juicy bit.  After a hard,
crazy day I can come home & read about monsters as they bite my toes and
watch Mommy type away.  This is a little about my monsters and a response to
Tony's inquiry about having more than three ferts.  I am the proud owner of
6 fuzzies and I love them all more than anything.  Even though it is a lot
of work with this many, i wouldn't give up one minute without one of them.
(I am also the new owner of an older ferret that needs a home and I
discussed with my monsters and they agreed to share.  I told them he was 4
pounds and they said they would let him join if they could get piggy-back
rides now & then ;-).) I can say that living with this many is not easy &
you must invest in a lot of papertowels to clean the little gifts they leave
all over the place when they know your not looking; I swear they do it on
purpose because they think it is funny!  But never-the-less I put up with
the mischief.
My first monsters is "BABY" and that is exactly what she is, a little
princess.  She is a beautiful silver mitt that look just like a racoon and
ended up with the name Baby because i couldn't think of an appropriate name
at the time that wasn't related to little b-tch.  That is her attitude.
Especially after i got the other ferts.  She wanted nothing that would take
an ounce of attention off herself.  She now loves the other ferts and
ignores humans.  My second ferret is a chocolate named "ZOE".  She is a very
timid, shy , female who is scared of everything, even her waterbottle.  Also
ZOe will not let anyone take any of the squeekie toys.  They are all hers
(all 7) and when the others take them she gets very mad.  She follows them
to their hiding place and steals them back.  If I put them in her cage at
sleep time, the minute I let her out , she has to get each & every toy out
of the cage and hide them.  Funny, you borrow one to play with and she grabs
it out of your hands and stomps off.  My third fuzzy is "WILEY" (you know
like Wile E.  Coyote, SUPERGENIUS) That is exactly what he is.  A big fat
champagne bouncing ball of joy who loves everyone and should be a
choreographer of the "war dance".  He loves to steal eveything I put in
reach.  i have lost numerous items including a pair of clean undies I left
in the clean laundry basket.  They were around his neck when I walked in the
room and he look sooooo funny.  My fourth & fifth ferts and respectivly
named "SAMSON & DELILAH".  I go them both together from a breeder and they
are like day & night.  Samson (for which my company is named after) is a
black sable and looks like a grizzly bear.  he is the friendliest of the
bunch towards his Mommy.  He follows me all over the place.  And when I grab
him he is KISSY face.  He also is the leader of the pack in teaching
mischief to the others.  (great) Delilah is a blaze silver mit with a
lighting bolt down the center of her head.  That is exactly what she is.
Fast & nuts!  She can jump & climb anything, even people.  And last but not
least there is "DAKOTA" a little sweetie.  She just waddles all over the
place and inspects situations.  Her indoor living didn't realize that summer
is here and she is walking ariunf with a full winter coat.  I feel sooo bad
for her.
Thats the bunch of monkey's and as you can see I love them all (even Baby)
I do recommend more than 2 or 3 fuzzies any day.  They are better to watch
than TV. and every ounce of love put in comea right back to you.
Good dooking & warm fuzzies,
Baby (WHat did you call me?)    Zoe (Wheres my red squeeki toy!)
Wiley (SUPERGENIUS)             Samson (Kiss, Kiss)
Delilah (Superfert)             Dakota (Boy is wearing this thing hot!)
& soon to join the bunch Goliath (the LARGE)
[Posted in FML issue 1636]