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Fri, 19 Jul 1996 16:14:59 -0400
Ferret Rescue of Tidewater <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
OK - so ECE is now all over the country.  Everyone agrees about that, and
the fact that it continues to spread, unchecked, with no vaccine in sight
and yes, corona virus is the first real clue to the true disease.  BUT, I
did not know in 1993 when I came back from the ferret show that what I had
was ECE.  My vet didn't know, and no other ferret owners that I contacted
knew.  Jump ahead to 1996.  There are (by BIG's estimation) about 600 people
subscribing to the FML.  How many ferrets are there in the country?  How
many ferret owners DON'T KNOW that what is wrong with their ferret is ECE?
How many people who do know they have been exposed don't tell others?  How
many unknowing owners expose other ferrets to the disease through different
points of contact-vets waiting room, ferret shows, the guy in the park
walking his ferret, going to a breeder to look at their ferrets, going to a
pet store and handling the kits, etc.  How many pet stores selling ferrets
don't know or don't care to tell you?  Do you see where I am going with
I am a shelter infected with ECE.  I have used thousands of gallons of
bleach and surgical disinfectants to eradicate this disease with no success.
Not take in any ferrets????  Are you crazy?  It would be easier to ask me to
stop breathing!  I have rescued ferrets from empty apartments in 110
heat;from "owners" who are feeding their ferrets once a day a bowl of
Deli-cat (and yes the bowl was taken away after 15 min.), an
adrenal/blind/handicapped ferret whose owner wanted her destroyed, etc.  If
I don't rescue these ferrets, who will take my place and how long would it
take before they were exposed?  How long would it take before there were no
longer any shelters that haven't been exposed?
I believe that some ferrets do become carriers, only because I have a "inner
core" of personal ferrets of which only four were here when the virus hit
and are still here now.  I'm pretty sure who the carrier is, and she is the
only one who doesn't come out of remission on a regular basis.
As far as ferret shows go, I haven't shown a ferret since then-but my
ferrets still go the vets every 6 months and they are still going outside
and they ride with me in the car, but I draw the line with taking them to
another ferret owners house.  I have never deliberately exposed anyone to
the virus, nor will I ever do that.  Are we suggesting that I am now a
social pariah because I may be carrying the virus and that I should not go
anywhere either?  Should I stay at home until a vaccine or cure is found?
My point of view is simply this: based on the fact that 1) no one knows for
sure what causes it, 2) no one is sure how the disease is spread (airborne
or direct contact), 3) the disease continues to spread for what ever
reasons, 4) a lot of owners/veterinarians are not aware of the disease, 5)
that there is not a lot of knowledge about the disease; that I will continue
to expose the ferrets to ECE and treat them accordingly.
I have been turned down by ferret owners because they wanted a ferret from
me until I told them about the disease and the best/worst case scenarios.
That is their choice, and I respect them for it.  But having come from a
large human family and getting the measles and mumps and chicken pox as a
child, and then watching some adult friends go through some of the worst
misery of their lives (being hospitalized, and in one case, almost die)
because of the adult versions, I am not sorry that I was exposed to these
diseases young.  Who is right?  Maybe both sides, maybe neither side.  But
until there is a cure, I believe that exposure is better.
[Posted in FML issue 1636]