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Mon, 15 Jul 1996 23:38:27 -0500
Bob Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (85 lines)
My mailbox was full of messages from X person/group complaining about Y
person/group, and judging from some of the FML posts, I am not the only one.
I will not respond to any such messages, and just want to point out that the
FML needs neither an Orwellian Moderator, nor some type of Nazi Thought
Police.  What is wrong with good honest debate?  Homogenity might seem
peaceful, but it is really boring, and evolutionarily, certain extinction.
Over the last year, members of the FML have seen Mo' Bob (me) and Rudy Bob
exchange darts, but the truth is, the FML would be far worse off without the
blighter (pick one).  [Disclaimer: "Blighter" is not meant to imply that
biological organisms which cause blight are meant to be seen in a negative
light.] I <gasp> actually *LIKE* the rudy-guy, and I would immediately quit
any organization which terminated a person simply because they did not fit
the general demographic profiles, and perhaps was not advancing the PC of
the moment.  I deeply agree there is *no room for name calling*, but debate
is the one way for the truth to come out and knowledge to be advanced.
Ferret viewpoints should not become dogmatic (see earlier positions of many
people on chocolate and bone) even if the evidence is clear (ECE kills older
ferrets: exception TLE).  [Disclaimer: The use of TLE to illustrate the
possible success of the ferret owner over ECE does in no way suggest that if
a ferret should die from ECE, that the owner is incontenant, eh, I mean
incompetent, nor that there is any connection between TLE and ECE even
though both are really small, have three letters and end with an "E".]
It is important to differentiate between debate and name calling.  If you
don't like something, respond; but remember everyone here (excepting Calif
F&G spys) loves ferrets and deeply desires to improve their general quality
of life.  One of the things I have noticed on the road and speaking to many
FMLers, is that many subscribers are *AFRAID* to post, because they are
fearful of someone making fun of them.  I think BIG can back me up (and no,
we have never spoken of this) that this fear has caused some members to
quit.  [Disclaimer: the term "BIG" does not implay BIG is Big, nor does it
make fun of weight-advantaged nor height-advantaged people, whatever those
advantages may or may not be.] Regular posters, including me, have done this
from time to time (my pet buggy-boos include domestication and evolution
issues), [Disclaimer: The use of "evolution" does in no way imply that those
groups that wish to live in the stone age and ignore the incontrovertible
evidence that evolution--even religious evolution-- exists, will themselve
fail to evolve.] and and we are wrong if the response includes a put-down of
the person.  BUT, don't get in a fray if someone contradicts your position;
let the debate run, and see which side (if any) is more factual.  You, I, we
all may learn something, and that's what the FML is all about.
As for the x people/groups vs the y people/groups, well, drop it.  My God,
my kids did the same thing when they were six!  I will not choose sides, and
both sides get my dander.  [Disclaimer: this joke is not meant to enrage
those who are dander-disadvantaged.] Work out your damn differences
privately, stop tattling/cross-posting the responses, and take
responsibility for your own actions/statements.  Believe me, no one likes or
respects tattletales, nor those that run around saying "Sean called me
names" after they sprayed Sean with water.  [Disclaimer: "Sean" is intended
to be a genderless non-religious name, and any resemblance to an actual
"Sean" is unintentional, even if they did call someone names.] It makes all
of you look bad, it hurts the cause, and it fails to take into consideration
that both sides are good people/groups.  Bury the hatchet, kiss and make up,
have a cold beverage, consume some illegal substances, leave on a UFO, fart,
but whatever it takes, *MOVE ON*!  Above all, don't take things so
seriously, make some jokes, and spread some joy.
In the words of Yahshua (Circa 30-40 AD): "Do not let the night fall upon
your anger," and "Those that call thier brother a fool are damned."
[Disclaimer: Yahshua is meant to be an English variant of the original
Hebrew for Jesus, and was chosen so Christians could regard the words as
spoken from a Messiah, Jews from a Rabbi, Islamic from a Prophet, and Pagans
from a really cool guy with cool long bitchin' hair, wearing natural fibers,
and really in tune with the supernatural.] Or the words of Paul and John,
(Circa 1969) "Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be."
In memory of Frank Zappa: "Ever notice those demanding understanding and
toleration for themselves tend to hate almost everyone else?"
OFF TOPIC JOKE: Know why paleobiologists rarely study rear legs?  Because
they are so ef-femoral.
[Disclaimer: The repeated use of "Disclaimer" is not meant to imply that
continual bickering and sniping have taken the joy out of telling jokes and
funny stories, that becoming a regular poster requires a degree in PC, nor
that really nice doctors are forced to make them because they are afraid
they will be sued by know-it-alls working on their GEDs.  It is meant to
imply that some people should cut back on their caffine intake or at least
admit they are hemorroidic personality-challenged red-eyed satanic
California tax lawyers working for the IRS.]
Mo' Bob missing the 14 but helped through it all by TJ/WF.
[Posted in FML issue 1632]