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Sat, 13 Jul 1996 23:28:22 -0700
Bruce Levine <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Pat Ball Writes:
>Has anybody heard of a antibiotic called (this is phonetically spelled)
>Chlorsetical being used for the treatment of ECE?  Does this antibiotic
>cure ECE?  Does it prevent ECE from doing all the destruction to the
>ferrets digestive system that, from my understanding, ECE causes?  ...
Hi Pat,
Sorry, but I've not heard of this drug.  Perhpas you are speaking of
Chloramphenical, which and oldie but goodie antibiotic and no, it does not
CURE ECE.  To be literal, Nothing really CURES ECE.  Although it hasn't been
proven yet, its etiology is suspected to be viral.  The main thing that
finally cures viral infections is the animal's own immune system.  Treatment
is mainly supportive in nature (Fluids to keep up blood pressure and
hydration, antibiotics to keep down secondary bacterial infections) until
the disease runs its course.  I haven't seen that many ECE cases in my
practice, but right now I've saved 2 out of 3 of them.
Bruce S. Levine DVM, ABVP-CA
Brid & Exotic Animal Practice, Placentia and Newport Beach, CA
"Lost in Cyberspace"
[Posted in FML issue 1631]